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"Girl he so cute."

"Hey, little baby."

"Ooh look at him smiling." I watched as everybody crowded around my son who was being held by Trevan's mama.

"That's lil Tre." Mariah's brother Mario laughed while looking at Ayden. I smacked my teeth.

"Shutup he looks like me." I mugged him.

"Nah, that's lil Tre right there." He sipped from his small clear cup that was filled with the brown liquid of Hennesy. I shook my head and felt arms wrap around my waist. Looking to my side I saw that it was Trevan, looking down at me with low eyes. He leaned down and placed a kiss on my lips, carefully holding his cup in his hand.

"Look at them ready for baby number two." Mario laughed pointing in our direction. Trevan laughed loudly and nodded his head.

"Fuck no." I laughed shaking my head while these fools continued laughing.

"Boo you made your plate?" Kiera asked walking over to me.

"Nope, I ain't know the food was done." I leaned into Tre more, loving the comforting feeling of his body on mine.

"You want me to make your plate?" Trevan asked kissing on my cheek and neck.

"You can." I shrugged watching as they passed Ayden back and forth.

"Let me see my baby." I heard Kiera say to Mariah who was holding Ayden. His face began to frown up and I knew he was about to burst into tears.

"What's the matter TT baby?" Kiera coo'd as she held him against her chest.

"He probably hungry let me see him." I grabbed him from her arms and walked over to my diaper bag near the couch. Pulling out a bottle, I sat down on the couch and began feeding him which made his crying come to a halt. We had been at the party for an hour and he hadn't eaten since earlier before we left the house. He immediately began falling asleep which made me put on his coat and lay him in his carrier once he was done. My mama was on her way to get him now.

"Hey ma." I answered my ringing phone.

"Hey babe, I'm outside."

"Alright, here I come," I spoke grabbing the carrier and swinging the diaper bag over my shoulder. Passing by Trevan I let him know I was taking Ayden outside to my mama. I didn't even bother putting on my coat because I would be coming right back.

"Shit it's cold." I cursed seeing my breath in the cool winter air. I hurried over to my mom's white Bentley truck and opened her back door.

"Hey ma, I thought you was gone come in," I said buckling Ayden into his seat. I pulled the blanket down from over his face and seen that he was still asleep.

"I was but I'm tired as hell. The shop took all day with my hair so I'm just gone go home and kick it with my grandbaby." I kissed my baby before closing the door and making my way around to the driver's side.

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