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"Are you ready? We're leaving in 5!" Brian shouted to me.

"Yes, I'm coming!" I shouted back and put on my high heels. I quickly ran downstairs and put on my jacket. Everyone was already waiting outside for me.

"I'm so sorry you had to wait for me, I was in a rush" I apologised to the members of Queen.

"Oh no worries dear, I'm always fashionably late." Freddie said in his posh accent.

"Alright everybody, we should get going." Brian said and we quickly got in our cars. I was in driving in the car with Roger, while the other three were in the other car.

"You look lovely tonight (Y/N)." Roger said taking a quick glimpse at me.

"Thank you Roger, you look quite handsome yourself." I complimented him back and felt a blush creeping onto my cheeks.

Me and Roger were quite good friends and everything was good between us, except for one thing. We both fancied each other. But none of us wanted to admit it to one another, even with the help of our friends.

The ride to the club was quite silent, except for times when Roger almost had an orgasm when he saw some fancy cars on the road.

When we got to the place, Freddie, John and Brian were already waiting for us.

"What took you so long to get here?" Brian asked, a little irritated with us, for being late.

"Sorry, Roger was eye-fucking some cars on the way here." I said and looked at Roger, a smirk playing on my lips.

"I was not! I was admiring them. You're just being mean now, (Y/N)" Roger said squinting his eyes at me.

"Alrighty lovebirds, stop fighting and let's get pissed out of our minds!" Freddie exclaimed and opened the door to the club.

When I stepped inside, I was hit with loud music, smoke and the smell of alcohol. John, Roger, Brian and me found an empty booth to sit in while Freddie went to get us some drinks.

After an hour of dancing, drinking and chatting, I took a seat in our booth since I was exhausted from all the dancing.

"(Y/N)?" a familiar male voice called me. I turned around and saw Denis, my old schoolmate from college, that I really got along with.

"Denis! I haven't seen you in a long time!" I exclaimed giving him a hug.

"Yes, it's been some time since we've seen each other." he said and took a seat.

"So what are you up to?" I asked Denis.

"I'm actually in the process of opening my own gallery." Denis said, taking a sip of his drink.

"That's wonderful Denis! I'm really proud of you." I said, giving him another hug.

After some time, Freddie joined us in the booth. I introduced him to Denis and they quickly had a conversation going about some artist they both loved.

I glanced around to see what the other band members were up to, when I saw Roger at the bar.

But he was not alone. 

Beside him was a pretty looking girl and at this point she was pretty much sitting on his lap.

I know I shouldn't be jealous, because we weren't even together, but I couldn't stand seeing him with another girl.

I excused myself from the table and went up to the bar, to get a drink. Maybe a drink will help.

I ordered my drink and looked straight ahead at Roger and the girl. Roger saw me looking and he pulled the girl into a kiss.

That broke my heart into a million pieces. I gulped my drink, left some money at the bar, and ran into the toilet. I closed myself into a bathroom stall and cried my eyes out. No one was in there so let my anger out by kicking the toilet a few times, which was not a good choice since my foot was starting to hurt. I sat back on the toilet seat and cried my eyes out.

Suddenly the door flew open and some girls marched in. I tried to calm myself down, since I didn't want anyone to know I was crying.

"Oh my god, I can't believe you hooked up with Roger!" said one of the girls.

My eyes widened and I paid close attention to the conversation.

"Well I knew that eventually you'd hook up with him, you're the hottest girl in London." said the other girl.

"Aww thank you, I know. Also, don't wait on me I'll probably sleep at his place. If you know what I mean." said the girl Roger hooked up with.

Another tear escaped from my eye and I left out a sob when the girls left the bathroom. I calmed myself out and left the stall. I took some toilet paper to wipe my teary eyes, but to no success since the new tears came flowing out.

I felt dumb, that I ever believed, Roger had feelings for me. I was so blind. Love really does blind people.

I looked at myself in the mirror, my makeup smudged from all the crying and my heart shattered.

I was heartbroken.


A.N: Hello everybody! I was wondering if maybe you'd like a 2nd part of this imagine? I thought it would be a good idea to do that, but I'm not so sure. Please let me know in the comments, if you'd like a 2nd part:D

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