Chapter Two

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    Wait what? Good girl??
    My eyes, by reflex, widened a bit, but quickly hid the inner reaction with a smile and judging by Ezra's reflective smile and him going back to his plate, he didn't suspect anything else.
    Can someone please tell me what the hell just happened though?! And why I secretly didn't exactly mind it?... He just came out with "good girl" and "princess" and I'm just supposed to pretend like he's always done that??? I mean don't get me wrong, they're not bad names, they're actually cute and I feel all special inside but I mean what's with his behavior being more parental than usual?
    From when we met until now, I've noticed implements of that behavior, like the seat belt, cutting up food for me, always taking away a sharp object from me, tying my shoes, immediately taking my hand before crossing the road. Once we started dating, he even began making up bedtime stories for me before I fell asleep. Which I didn't mind any of it, sometimes it did get a little -okay I'm a big girl. I don't need the extra help- but I understand that it's the little things that show his love and care.
    Tonight, however, he's in EXTREME mode. Okay that's over exaggerating, but there's no denying that his behavior has been excessive for a reason that I can't figure out. Why is he acting like this? Why am I not hating it? Is this normal? Is it weird to think that it's normal? Do I wanna know why? Is it gonna damage our relationship? How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop? The world or myself may never know...

"Lilly, honey, are you alright?" Ezra had a look of concern when I snapped out of my thoughts and noticed that I was furrowing my brow.

"Um yeah I'm alright, just tryna figure out the spices they used for these amazing chicken tenders that you hated on." Nice work Lilly I thought proudly of myself, lightening up the mood is always a good way to divert any suspicion. I've been doing that a lot, haven't I? Okay me, you can shut up now.

"Oh c'mon, that wasn't hate, think of it as constructive criticism." He said sarcastically, well my distraction seemed to have worked at least.

"I think I'll just sit here and enjoy my delicious chicken." My response received an eye roll and a shaking of his head A.K.A. I definitely won that one.

For the rest of our dinner, everything went pretty smoothly, no other foreign implements have come up so far. Walking towards his car into the parking lot, he asked if it was alright if he could stay over for a bit and put on a movie for us to cuddle up and watch together.

"Yeah of course, I"ll take any extra cuddle time I can get with you." I said smiling.

"Haha you're adorable Babygirl and I promise I won't try and give away any spoilers like last time."

"Hah, sounds like a deal."

    We finally get home and I immediately go straight to my room and grab all of my fluffy blankets and soft pillows from my closet then go to the living room couch and place them there. It's a usual thing I set up every time Ezra comes over for a movie night. He comes over, I set up our warm atmosphere, he picks the movie cuz I'm too indecisive and then eventually one of us falls asleep. That last part, however, doesn't seem like its going to happen. Actually, I haven't seen one sign of any drowsiness from Ezra. Usually he'll yawn, get more comfortable, or his head will start bobbing up and down. He's been like a statue this whole time, staring at the screen.
    The movie ends and after I turn off the tv screen there's this awkward tension in the air. So to thin it out a bit, I start yapping.

"Um that was sort of a bust, don't you think? The choice of actors were phenomenal but I really think they should work on their plot. I mean what in the world were they thinking? Which reminds me, why did they pu-"

"Hey Lilly? I want to talk to you about something." Why am I always getting interrupted? I can tell he's growing anxious which makes ME anxious but I'm hoping it'll give me the answers I've been searching for.

"Oh? Is everything alright?" Well obviously not if he can't even look at you in the eyes.

"Yeah yeah, everything's all good, you're good, I'm good...well actually...I'm filled up to the brim with anxiety." His shoulders shift down a little, like he's relieved letting something truthful out.

I sit up and shift my body towards him then cup my hand on his cheek , try to look into his eyes and say "Hey, it's alright, okay? Whatever you have to say, I'll keep an open mind towards it and whatever happens, happens. I just don't like seeing you scared like this." I really don't, I don't even think I've ever seen Ezra like this afraid about something. Whatever he has to say must be a pretty big deal.

"Lilly, these past few months have been everything I could ever hope for and more. You're someone I've come to care deeply about, emotions I haven't felt in a long time. You make me excited for the future, of what life has to offer. The love I receive from you changes me in ways I didn't think was possible Which is why I think its important that I talk to you about an aspect of myself that could possibly alter our relationship profoundly. Like, I need to know if this is the real deal, if we can truly work out or not and not waste each other's time.  Especially if we can't satisfy each other's needs and wants emotionally and physically. Not that I'm not grateful for the time we spent together though! It's just- well- I mean- damn, this is more difficult than what I originally planned out. What I'm trying to say is that you're starting to mean more to me on an intimate level and because of that, before I get anymore attached then what I already am, you need to know that I am a Daddy Dom and I am into DDLG."

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