Chapter 8

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"Are you serious? You literally spilled boiling water all over my arm!"

"Oh crap. I'm so sorry, wait let me hel -"

"No! Just - I don't know, clear a table or something." Ashton cut Alex off with an icy glare and rolled his eyes. They were currently in the coffee shop, and it was Alex's first day on the job.

Every time he opened his mouth, Ashton got angrier. "That's not the right way to stack a dishwasher, you don't wash up properly, stack the tables this way..." At first, Alex would swallow his retort and just do it, smile and move on. But now he'd had enough.

"You know this is all your fault!" Alex sent an accusatory glance over to the other. "You haven't taught me how to do anything; you just expect me to know instantly!"

Alex stood awkwardly behind Ashton, waiting for him to finish mopping up the hot water. He'd already spent the past 7 hours at school, and his tiredness was largely contributing to his clumsy actions. Alex sighed, fiddling with his apron in frustration. It wasn't all his fault. Ashton really needed to work on his communication skills.

"Look you know what - that's it, Winters." Ashton grabbed Alex's arm forcefully and guided him towards the counter. "You are going to be a cashier. Permanently."

"Wait, the place is empty. Am I just meant to stand here? Ashton!"

Alex turned but faced an empty walkway. Ashton had abandoned him in the front of the shop.

Well, maybe it was for the better. Leaning quietly on the granite bench, Alex could listen to the classical music playing in the background. It was a clear guitar sound, performing a slow, lilting melody. The music filled the air without effort, like waves filling holes in beach sand; the sound rushing in and around every object in the room. Alex found himself listening intently, until...


Alex blinked. Someone was standing at the counter, clicking in his ears with an amused expression on her face. Alex couldn't help but think she looked familiar. Maybe she went to his school.

"Oh sorry," Alex mentally kicked himself for zoning off. "What can I get for you?"

"Huh? Nothing, sorry. I'm here to talk to Ashton." She smiled. "Are you new here?"

A tumble of brown curls fell as she removed her coat, which was streaked with warm reddish hues and butterscotch browns. It gave her some warmth, complementing her pale face rather than making her look washed out.

"Um... yes I am. And Ashton's in the ba-"

"Nope. Here I am." Ashton, back at the counter again, cut Alex off with a bored look on his face. He must've heard the girl enter. Ashton eyed the girl before walking to the back room and gesturing for her to follow.

A while later they returned - the girl with a slightly guilty look on her face. She waved before exiting the cafe.

Alex noted bitterly that Ashton looked more annoyed than ever. He was literally seething.

"Was that your girlfriend or something?" Alex blurted before he could stop himself. He cringed inwardly, expecting Ashton to be irritated by his nosy comment, but instead, he looked almost amused.

"What?" Ashton was suddenly laughing, his mood completely flipped in that instant, and he turned to Alex with a teasing look in his eyes. "Why? Are you jealous?"

"What? Of course not!" Alex sputtered in return, earning an amused chuckle from the other. Was he jealous? Why would it be his business who Ashton dated anyway?

"Sure." Ashton was still laughing when he spoke next. He paused and leaned against the counter. "But no. She used to work here - you've seen her before, right?" And Alex had. He realized now he'd seen her working here when Ashton had paid for his drink. "Her family's moving cities, so she's had to quit, unfortunately." The bad mood returned. "Could've told us sooner, honestly."

"Oh. Well, at least you've got me to replace her?" Alex said. Alex sent him an amused glare. 

"You? You literally struggle boiling water." Ashton sniggered.

Alex scowled. "Shut up, man."

Social Suicide (BxB) / On HoldTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang