Chapter 3 Part 5

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"O - Oh... W - Well you see I..." "What's wrong?" "Nothing. I'm really happy that someone as strong as you were able to catch me though. You, actually saved more than just my life back there." He seemed confused and said, "What are you... Wait! Are you?" "Yes Garroth. I - I'm pregnant." His jaw dropped.

In utter shock, he said, "W - W - What? Congratulations! Are you hurt after that fall? How did I not notice? Do you need anything? Should I take you home?" "Garroth calm down, please. I am perfectly fine, thank you. Don't worry. You obviously didn't notice because I'm only about two months pregnant now."

He seemed so relieved, then said, "Oh thank goodness. I'm, sorry. I - I was just, worried for a moment, that's all. Just remember this m'lady. I will always be there for you, even if you have a soulmate that isn't me. I will always be there to protect you, alongside Laurance if I must."

I replied, "Thanks Garroth. That means a lot. Do you have any questions you want to ask me or have anything to tell me? Anything at all?" "Are you aware that Laurance actually made, and refused, the Jury list as well?" "N - No, he never said anything like that. I just saw him as a Shadow Knight when he used to be one."

"Wait, 'used to be'?" "Y - Yes. After I told you on the beach that a shadow took him away, I ran away because of that as well. When I came here, he found me through a friend of his. After a while, he lost his sight because of his incomplete transformation. An incident occurred at a restaurant, and he turned. It did restore his vision though. We got married a little while later, while he was one of them. A while before the wedding though, he found a mentor to help teach him how to control his rage. On our honeymoon, we met a warlock who was able to lift his curse. Now he is simply a normal Head Guard."

"That's incredible! I never even knew. I also want to know something else. D - Does Laurance know that I was... your first kiss?" He blushed a bit. I looked down in shame and said, "N - No. That subject just never crossed my mind, I guess. I'm going to tell him everything tonight though."

"I see. Well then, I should probably get going." "No, wait. I - I was, wondering, if you would perhaps like to stay for dinner? It would mean a lot to me and, I would like for you and Laurance to be able to talk with each other in peace." At first, he hesitated to answer, then said, "S - Sure, why not? Anything to see you happy, m'lady."

I got so excited and said, "Great! In the meantime, you are free to roam around the town and explore until tonight. See you then." I went closer to him and gave him a hug. He blushed quite a bit, but he hugged me back. I left to go and tell Laurance that he was coming over. At first, he didn't like the idea, which was completely understandable, but he trusted me, so he accepted.

I started preparing a big dinner for all of us. Garroth showed up before the sun had set. He knocked on the door and waited. I turned to Laurance and asked, "Sweetheart, would you mind opening for him?"

"Sure thing, love." He opened the door and welcomed Garroth in as friendly as he could. I noticed that there was still a bit of tension between those two.

I had a flowing red dress on to make a good impression. It was the same dress I wore the day Laurance turned. Garroth and Laurance both had suits on. I went to greet Garroth and said, "Welcome. I'm so glad you could make it Garroth. Please, make yourself at home."

He just blushed and said while stuttering, "O - Oh s - s - sure, m - m'lady. Y - You look, beautiful. I b - brought you a small gift." He took out a bunch of flowers from behind his back.

"G - Garroth, t - thank you. You really shouldn't have." "Please, m'lady, I insist." "Very well then. I accept your gift. I'll go put it in the kitchen."

As I went to the kitchen, Laurance followed me, looking angry and said, "What is he doing? I swear, if he tries anything with you I'll..." "Laurance, please, stop it. He is just being nice. We talked earlier, and he said that he won't try anything. He just really missed me, and you know what, so did I. You have absolutely nothing to worry about or be jealous of.

Uh oh! Is Laurance getting jealous? What's gonna happen? Let me know...

See y'all tomorrow for another one, or later, I'm not sure what the future holds...😊 Until next time my peeps.

Later fam!😉

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