"My husband needs to speak with the Headmaster," she said simply.

The girl nodded and stepped forward, resting her hand on the gargoyle that separated them from the revolving stairs that led to Dumbledore's office. She was carrying signs labeled "Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare," and Narcissa's stomach turned at the sight of them.

"You know," the girl said, "I've always thought of him as an arse, not to mention that son of yours is quite the... anyway, now I'm not so sure."

Narcissa's eyes narrowed, and she took a deep breath and forced herself to remain calm. Suddenly, it dawned on her why she remembered this girl: this was Hermione Granger, and Narcissa had first seen her at the Quidditch World Cup. She had, however, heard many stories about the girl, including one in which she had punched Draco in the face

"I never noticed your husband except when he was being an arse as well." Hermione paused. "Maybe it's all a cover up. Maybe there's more to Lucius Malfoy than meets the eye."

Narcissa watched Hermione closely as she spoke of Lucius, and as the girl's eyes took on a look Narcissa recognized well-lust, longing-a sickening feeling shot through her, and her mouth went dry.

"There is," she said sharply. "More than you'll ever know." Narcissa hated snapping in public and falling into the stereotype so often expected of someone of her status, but if there was one thing she couldn't stand, it was people trying to come between Lucius and herself. She looked away quickly, fixing her gaze on the wall to keep herself from lashing out further. You have to behave yourself, she thought. Don't make things worse for Draco.

Lucius returned moments later, and out of the corner of her eye, Narcissa saw Hermione jump slightly and move away from the statue. Relief crashed over Narcissa as Lucius moved close to her and his eyes met hers. His concern was evident in his expression as he took her hands in his.

"My love... what's-" Lucius glanced at the girl, and his eyes narrowed. "I thought I smelt bad blood," he said, turning slightly toward Hermione and eyeing the signs she held. He looked back to Narcissa, and he held her hands tighter. "Was the Mudblood bothering you, my love? I really hope Dumbledore listens to my demands about removing disgusting vermin like you and the rest of your Muggleborn stock," he added to Hermione. "Otherwise, Hogwarts will be in search of a new person to fund the school, and in that case, the school will be no more," he continued on in a lazy drawl. Lucius turned back to his wife. "Narcissa, we should leave before she rubs off on our clothes or before I lose my lunch at the idea of our son attending a school with the rest of them who are just like her."

Narcissa held tightly to his hands, unwilling to put any distance between them at the moment. She tried hard not to look at Hermione and to focus on her husband, and she felt immensely better when he rushed to her defense and spoke ill of the girl. Normally, Narcissa wasn't one to join in on insults, but she couldn't bring herself to argue with them, either, considering what she'd just witnessed. How dare Hermione even begin to think that way about Lucius? How dare she? Narcissa fought hard to keep her anger within her and to keep silent. She simply nodded and started down the hall without looking back, still holding to his hand.

When they returned to Malfoy Manor by Floo and stepped out of the pit, Lucius turned to his wife. He could tell by her tight grip on his hands that something was troubling her. "What's wrong, Narcissa?" he asked.

She moved forward to rest her head against his shoulder and wrapped her arms around him. "You're going to think I'm being ridiculous," she mumbled. "It's completely stupid."

Lucius held Narcissa close, furrowing his brows as she spoke. How could she think that he would find her feelings stupid?

"Narcissa, I will not. Tell me what's going on. Please." Lucius kissed her hair and guided her over to the couch, sitting down and patting the place next to him, where she sat.

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