00) Caroline and the Carnival

Start from the beginning

"Never mind, scary Asteria is here" he jokes causing me to chuckle.

"You haven't met scary Asteria yet.... this is my bossy side" I said as I walked around checking everything.

"Maybe I should get to know bossy Asteria more" Damon comments.

"Goodbye Damon" I said hanging up. The carnival began not to long after my phone call, so I doubled checked everything before I spotted Elena.

"Hey you"

"Hey, give me this" she says taking the clipboard. I frowned and went to reach for it until she held it out of my reach.

"But I have to make sure everything runs smoothly"

"That's why Bonnie and I are here"

"That's not fair to you two though"

"Asteria, you have worked all day! Go enjoy yourself" Elena says chuckling as I rolled my eyes.

"Fine but only for a little" I said pointing my finger at her. I walked around just observing everyone when i felt an arm snake it's way around my waist.

"Want to come and lurk with me" Damon's voice filled my ears.

"Sure" I commented as I let him lead me to the arm wrestling area. We stood and watch Tyler arm wrestle random people.

"Wow, you two are lurking" Stefan says as he joined Damon and I.


"I'm going to arm wrestle Tyler" I said sensing the pair wanted to talk privately. I walked over just as Tyler won his current match against one of the football players.

"Let's go lover boy" I said smirking as I stepped up to the arm wrestling thing.

"You sure sweet cheeks, I'm pretty tough as we guys say" Tyler says smirking right back at him.

"I'm sure"

"Then it's on" Tyler responds as we got into position. The bell rang causing Tyler and I to use most of our strength to try and slam the other's hand down.

"Ready to lose" Tyler questioned as he started to win. I smirked and used most of my strength to pin his hand down, winning the match.

"You tell me pretty boy, were you ready"

"I went ease on you"

"Anyone want to prove that theory"

"I will" a man who looked similar to Tyler says, stepping up to the place.

"Asteria this is my Uncle Mason. Mason, this is my friend Asteria" Tyler says introducing us. I smiled politely shaking his hand before we both got ready to arm wrestle. The bell rang and the match was on as we tested out the fact Tyler might have let me win.

"You know for a chick, you're pretty strong"

"Oh wow, Don't you know how to charm a lady"

"I try" Mason says winking. I was very close to winning when mason quickly turned the tables and slammed my hand down.

"He's the champ now ladies and gents! Who wants to go next" I said causing Mason to smile.

"My brother wants to try" Damon says causing Stefan to come up.

"Go Stefan" I said as we high five each other. I walked over to Damon and told him that I was going to go find Elena or Bonnie. He simply nodded causing me to leave and try to find my two other friends.

"Asteria" I heard a familiar voice call out causing me to turn around.

"Caroline! I didn't know you were being released tonight" I said smiling as I gave her a very quick brief hug.

"Well I am! And this place isn't in shambles" she says hurrying out of the hug. I frowned slightly but shrug it off and walked with her as we tried to find Matt. Matt Donavan is another one of my friends and Caroline's boyfriend.

"Hey Matt" I said once we found him by the ring toss. He gave me a small smile before turning his attention to Caroline.

"I'm going to do a check and see how everything is going" I said knowing the couple would want some time to themselves.

"No please stay" Caroline states grabbing my wrist tightly.

"Okay then I will stay"

"Good, now do you want to try Caroline" Matt asked holding up a ring for Caroline to toss.

"Sure" she says taking the ring and tossed it. Caroline ended up breaking the bottles after she tossed the ring causing me to worry.

"Nice shot there killer" Matt joking said. The couple hugs before Care moved away from Matt.

"I got to go" Caroline says trying to leave. Matt tried to find out what was wrong, but she quickly left with me following her.

"Caroline what's wrong"

"Please Asteria, I need to get away from here" Caroline exclaims before quickly walking away from me. I tried to find her again but instead found Damon.

"Hey have you seen Caroline" Damon asked looking around.

"Just a few seconds ago"

"Do you have any vervain on you or drank any of that crap today" he questioned causing me to raise my eye brows.

"No I forgot to, Why" I answered.

"You are going to go home and go to sleep because you are not feeling well" Damon compels. I simply nodded and went to my car before getting in and driving off. Once I got home, I brought the flowers and the small stuff bear inside the house. I got a vase filled with water for the flowers before taking the small bear with me. Just as I was compelled to do, I went to bed and slept until the next day.

A/N: please bare with me! I know this chapter sucks, but I promise I will make it better as the story carries on.

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