Who takes a girl to a shooting range on the first date, she thought. But she snapped out of it when he opened the door for her.


"Dex I still don't know what I'm doing" Nyla whined putting her hand on her hip. She seen him shooting his gun at the target with no headphones, focused. "I'm not even hitting the target"

Dex looked at her and smiled. He placed his gun down and walked over to her. He chuckled, "Here let me help you again"

Nyla felt him walk up behind her and her body tensed up. He didn't make her uncomfortable but she would get butterflies in her stomach. They way he talks, the way he walks was sexy to her and his attitude was something she wasn't used to but she was growing to like it.

Dex felt her nervous demeanor and he couldnt help but chuckle again. "Relax I got you...put your arms like this and focus on the target" he lectured. "Don't be scared of it...don't tighten your arms too tight just relax" he placed his finger on top of her and pushed the trigger down letting the gun go off. When he seen her hit the target he slowly moved his finger and placed his hands on her hips.

But she was too busy focusing on shooting the target she didn't even notice until she was done and he let go. "I can't do this" she whined facing him.

"Stop saying you can't when you know you can" he smiled. "You hit the target"

"Yeah like two times" she pouted.

Dex smiled softly as she poked her bottom lip out. "Stop that if you want to come back and practice just let me know" he told her shrugging his shoulders. "Soon you be shooting like me" he continued aiming his gun at her target before pulling the trigger.

Nyla paid attention to Dex shooting at the target with one hand with no problem. He wasn't flinching every time the gun went off like she was. And she had on headphones to reduce the noise. She stared at Dex seeing how focused he was and she started to get turned on. This was different for her.

"Headshots baby" he smiled looking over at her bringing her back to reality.

"You done this before haven't you?"

He chuckled, "Let's just say I have a lot of practice"


"Since I was thirteen"


"Nah...on the streets"

Nyla eyes widen for a quick second, she wasn't the type to judge people but she had to ask a question that's been on her mind since they spoke on the phone over the week. "How was your life growing up?"

"You really wanna know?"

"Yeah I do"

Dex stared into her eyes, "My mother was a crack head, sold me for a rock when I was just a kid that same night I fought the dealer off and ran away and been on my own ever since" he told her truthfully. "King found me sleeping at a park one day and took me under his wing"

"King?" She questioned. She heard that name a couple of time around the city and she knew what he did. Shit, everybody knew. "Are you a drug dealer?"

"I only sell weed baby girl after what my mother did to me I promise myself not to sell that shit on the streets" he answered staring into her eyes.

"What about your father?" She asked.

Dex shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know about him" he said. "But honestly King was more like a father figure to me without him I wouldn't be where I am now"

Mine Games 2: Santana & King Where stories live. Discover now