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I quickly dropped my gaze, remembering how he complimented me last time I saw him.

"Y/n?" I heard him call.

Damn it..

I looked up and gave a little smile.
"Mat?" He came walking up and gave me a hug, which was very strange because he never hugs people. When he let go I shuffled back and instinctually stepped closer to Sean.

Sean seemed to notice my uncomfortable demeanor and put his arm around my shoulder. I relaxed a little and wrapped my arm around his back. Mat eyes started at Sean's arm around my shoulder for a second before blinking and looking away.

"Hi, I'm Sean." He smiled and stuck out his free hand to shake Mat's.
"Oh, hi. Nice to meet you." Mat said, but now his voice wasn't as friendly and recognition shone across his face, "is he that guy that I saw you texting during the tour?" He turned to me.

"Yep, same guy." I looked up at Sean's smiling face and I grinned back at him, "turned out he's not an axe murderer, hence the fact that I'm not dead yet." I joked, trying to lighten the mood a little. Sean laughed but I only got a half hearted smile from Mat.

"So what are you doing in Brighton, y/n?"
"Oh! Well I actually moved here almost 2 weeks ago I think? I really don't remember I've lost track to time." I glanced at Sean, "he actually helped me find an apartment after my old one burned down in Ireland."

"Your apartment burned down?! Why didn't you tell me, I could've helped out." Mat's eyes widened.
"It's ok! I already had some help and I'm glad I'm not in Ireland anymore."

I fiddled with the bag of clothes in my hand a little
"well, I'd love to stay and chat but I need to get back home. I still have to make dinner. It was nice to see you again, Mat." He smiled a little.
"Nice to see you again too." He glared at Sean for a second, but didn't say anything and walked away.

After we were out of earshot Sean glanced down at me.
"I have a feeling he doesn't like me."
"No shit Sherlock. I have no idea what his problem is though." Sean raised an eyebrow at me.
"Ok, never mind I might know what his deal is." I laughed.
"He's jealoussss." Sean smirked and pulled me closer to him as we walked.

The previously blue sky that had greeted me that morning had been slowly replaced by grey. The threatening clouds promised rain and muted the vibrant colors in the city of Brighton.

Most of the little shop owners in Brighton knew it was mostly always gray and so they painted vibrant colors on the stores. I enjoyed the scenery in silence for a minute before a thought came to my mind.
"I wanted to ask you something, Sean." I said as the apartment building came into view, "I was just wondering...what are we?"

Sean smiled down at me.
"We can be whatever you want, but I would love to be your boyfriend."
"And I would love to be your girlfriend." I responded, my face slightly pink. I felt Sean kiss the top of my head and I smiled softly.

I got back to my apartment and Sean went to his. As I was stirring my mac and cheese my phone buzzed with a notification. I ignored it at first, deciding I would check after my food was done, but then I got another notification.
And another...
And another...

They kept coming and I finally picked up my phone. I was being tagged and tweeted in a ton of messages and posts.
"What the fuck is happening?"

They were all about Sean and I.

Apparently someone had taken pictures of us together. I put my hand to my forehead and closed my eyes.
Damnit y/n, you should've remembered people are always taking pictures.

I looked at the pictures, and one of them was when Sean kissed you on the top of the head.

I quickly called him.

"Ah, so you've seen it too?" Sean said when he answered.
"Yeah..." I said.
"Well, how do you feel about it?" He asked sweetly.
"I mean it doesn't bother me too much, I just wish it was our thing to tell people."
"Yeah, I can agree with that. At least people know now?" He let out a small chuckle.

"yeah.....Well I just wanted to make sure you weren't upset about it." I finally said.
"Of course I'm not upset! Now I get to show off my beautiful girlfriend!" I blushed.
"And I can show off my handsome boyfriend." I replied.

There was a second of silence and I could tell he was smiling.
"What's the point of calling each other when we live 5 steps away?" He said.
"I don't know, maybe cause I'm a lazy bitch." "Yeah, but it also means I can't kiss you." I heard the pout in his voice.
"Oh my lord, why don't you just come over then?"
"Cause I'm lazy too." I burst out in laughter. My attention was diverted though, when I got a knock on my door.
"Hold on a sec, someone's at my door."

I opened the door and I saw Sean's mischievous face for a split second before he jumped at me. My face was held gently in his hands and he kissed me. I was stunned for a second but started kissing back.

And then he just left again.

I picked the phone back up.
"What was that?" I laughed.
"I just wanted to kiss ya."
"Alright, whatever, I have to finish making my Mac and cheese so I got to go."
"Bye cupcake!"
"Hold on did you just call me cupcake!?" I laughed again.
"Yea." I heard him chuckling.
"I'm not sure how to feel about that, but bye honey."
"I don't know I'm bad at this!"
"What about.... never mind I got nothing." He finally said.
"Cupcake was the best you got?"
"Says the one who said honey!"
"I didn't think it was that bad."
"I could beg to differ."
"Ok I'm hanging up now."
"Alright! Bye!"
"Bye.... honey." I hung up as he started to say something and chuckled.

I grabbed my food and sat on the couch watching some Netflix. I scrolled through Twitter though, while I was watching Tv, looking at the tweets about Sean and I.

I think about half the planet knows about this already, but I have a girlfriend now! Y/n is the most beautiful, funny, charming, and fucking badass girl ever and I'm lucky that I can call her mine.

My eyes watered as I read his tweet and I smiled. I quickly typed my own tweet because people were begging me to address the situation.

Some pictures have been floating around and I guess I should say something about it? 😂 ok so Sean is my boyfriend as of very recently, like seriously a few minutes before those pictures were taken it happened.
Sean has made me a better person and I'm so happy that he's my boyfriend.

Replies flooded in and I anxiously read them.
Sean replied with a "😘" and I couldn't help but giggle.

A few people were calling me a whore, or a slut probably because I've had quite a few boyfriends. I shrugged my shoulders and rolled my eyes.

I replied to someone:
This bitch seriously got ANOTHER boyfriend? This girl really is a slut.

What can I say? I'm sorry that I decided to date the wrong guys in the past and didn't want to continue bad relationships? 🤷🏼‍♀️

I gave myself a hi five for that reply and turned off my phone, deciding I wanted to finally concentrate on the show I was watching.

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