Chapter 9: The Nest

Start from the beginning

“Hey, girl, remember me?” Natasha asked, slowly extending her hand.

Diana sniffed the air around her, and paused, as if deciding what to do, and then she proceeded to growl, again, this time inching forward.

“Nat,” Steve said from behind her, “I don’t think it’s working.”

“No kidding, Rogers,” Natasha said, slowly standing up, “These are Valkyrie’s dogs, they’ll answer only to her.”


Val watched from a high branch in the trees, wings spread behind her, balancing her as she stood precariously on the thin branch. She smiled when she heard Nat say Diana and Knight only answer to her. She should give herself a pat on the back for training those dogs extremely well. When she saw the two dogs go into attack mode, which meant Diana was inching forward, and Knight had stopped pacing and was concentrating on one target, in this case, it was Steve, she jumped down from the branch and landed in a flurry of leaves and wings behind Diana who stopped in her tracks.

“Knight, Diana, down,” she commanded as she straightened. Both dogs immediately silenced and padded to her side, tongues lolling out happily, but still warily eyeing the intruders.

“Hello, Valkyrie,” Natasha said, smiling, “I guess they haven’t changed, then?”

Val laughed, “No, no, they haven’t,” she answered, petting Diana on the head and scratching Knight behind the ears, “They’ll still kill on my command.” She said proudly.

James looked at Angel, no, Val, and swallowed a smile. She was in a black bra and jeans, it was enough to make any man smile, but her windswept hair and black wings made her look like a winged warrior from that thing Stark let him read, and it was just a bit too much for him to handle at the moment. He looked at Steve, and saw that his friend was busy analyzing the patterns of the branches overhead.

“Looking good, Angel,” James’ voice rumbled, eyes sparking in mischief.

“Sorry if I’m underdressed,” Val smiled at him, then chuckled at Steve who was smiling shyly up at the sky, “but you guys caught me unawares. The barn-house is about half a kilometer up that way,” she pointed to the direction, “I’ll see you there. Diana, Knight, scout downriver until your territories end, then come home,” she commanded her two dogs who immediately took off down the path Natasha, James, and Steve took. Then she spread her wings and began flying home, “Hurry up, guys, it’ll get dark soon.” She called as she rose to the sky.

Steve whistled as Val flew away, “You really know how to pick ‘em, Buck.”

“Stop staring, perv.” James shoved him in return. Natasha just rolled her eyes at the two boys, picked up her pack, and started walking, eager to have a shower and sit down. The two men followed her lead as they trekked the last distance to Valkyrie’s Nest, as they had labeled it.

Val landed on her front porch and picked up her sweater, “Andy, it’s fine, I know them.”

Andreana put the safety on the gun she had in her hand and walked out the door, “Dios mio,” she muttered, “I thought I was going to have to use the training you taught me for the first time ever.”

“Sweetie, I thought so, too,” Val chuckled, “Three of my friends are coming, one of them is… uh…”

“That guy who made you soft?” Andy teased, as she walked into the house and placed the guns on the coffee table in the sitting room, “Aren’t you glad I keep the guest rooms clean and ready all the time?”

“Never been more grateful, Andy,” Val smiled, “We only have two spare rooms, huh?”

“Yes,” Andy answered, a sly smile playing on her face, “So one of them will have to share with you.”

“Whatever, Andreana,” Val rolled her eyes as she looked out the window to the approaching shapes, “You might want to add a bit more food for dinner.”

“Yeah, I figured that out,” Andy answered, already in the kitchen.

Val sighed, the Winter Soldier, in her own home. Who’d have thought about that?


A/N: i just want to thank you guys for your continuous support with this story. Chapter 9! Yay! Chapter 10 may take a while, because I  am still hella confused with what is going to happen between Val and Bucky, but hey! I'll post it as soon as it's done! Love love lots!


The Valentin Series, Book 1: The Valkyrie (Captain America fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now