T H R E E !

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AFTER PASSING Stefan's dad and convincing him Ruby was a friend from work to help Stefan with his game to which Stefan's dad replied with 'alright just don't work too late or too hard'.

Ruby sat down in Stefan's bed looking through twitter as multiple people were asking stuff like 'when did a new character show up?' Or others like 'why won't it let me click choices?'.

"I ruined the movie" Ruby said puttering her head in her sweatshirt. "My friend even got in contact with the police and are trying to find me and I'm blowing up twitter as people are asking 'isn't that the girl from bandersnatch?' when will my suffering end?" Ruby asked.

Stefan looked over at the girl and contemplated on helping her with her dilemma or continue on the game. He picked the first option. Stefan stood up from his chair and walked over to the girl.

Stefan could hear sniffing and he assumed she was crying. Stefan sighed and sat down on his bed. "Ruby, I know that I can't tell you everything will be fine because it won't, sure you might be stuck here for most of your life and I've only known you for like three hours but I promise you I'll help you return to your timeline, whatever it takes" Stefan said.

Ruby looked out of sweatshirt and her eyes looked bloodshot and still had tears coming down. "Really?" She croaked her voice sounding rough. Stefan nodded. Ruby hugged the older man tightly as she was thanking him.

Stefan smiled and waited for the girl to pass out to continue with his work until sooner or later he passed out as well.

Ruby awoken tucked in a soft blanket on top of a bed. Her eyes slowly opened and found herself in the same room from last night. She groaned softly, not wanting to wake up Stefan, so it wasn't a dream.

Ruby looked over at Stefan's form as his head laid down on his desk his back slouched. Ruby frowned Stefan could have just slept on the bed and Ruby would've gladly slept on the floor. Ruby then stood up and walked over to Stefan.

Stefans breathes came slowly and peacefully. Ruby then turned his chair around and picked up the man and was a lot more heavier than she thought he was and slowly laid him on the bed. She was grateful he was a heavy sleeper.

Ruby looked out Stefan's window and his fathers car was gone. Maybe went to get grocery's? Ruby shrugged it off and turned back to Stefan's bed as Stefan slurred in his sleep.

Ruby sighed before walking out of the room and went into the kitchen. She opened the fridge and not many food choices could be made. Stefan's dad defiantly went to go grocery shopping.

The short sixteen year old climbed on top of the counter and grabbed the cereal box from the top shelf and hopped back down. Ruby heard the bed creak but nothing in the hallway. Stefan wasn't even gonna eat?

Ruby made Stefan a cup of tea nonetheless (along with herself) and walked back upstairs. Sure enough Stefan was programming. "Morning" Ruby said.

Stefan gave her a wave without turning his head around. Ruby placed the cup of tea next to the computer, Ruby brought her own tea to her lips and had a sip before her nose scrunched up. She'd forgotten she hated tea.

"Stefan you slept in that chair for the past eight maybe nine hours, how the hell are you still able to sit in it? Or sleep in it?" Ruby questioned.

Stefan smiled lightly. Ruby saw the man smile rarely on her screen it was only when he was on lsd, after killing his dad, when offered the job, a small bit of others where Stefan would smile.

Ruby set the cup of tea down on the desk and flopped onto the bed. "Jeez I forgot how boring the 80s were" She muttered.

"You know you could go to the record store or game to buy something" Stefan said turning to look at the girl.

"I don't have any cash on me Stefan" Ruby rolled her eyes at him.

Stefan shrugged. "You could borrow some of mine" Stefan said pulling out a few dollars.

Ruby sighed. "Fine but if your dads home try and sneak me in I really don't want to have to answer what I'm doing here again" Ruby said taking the few dollars and grabbing a baseball cap and heading outside.

Ruby was walking around the small plaza as a few people gave her weird looks, who could blame them? Ruby was wearing worn black sneakers, her sweatpants and sweatshirt from yesterday with a baseball cap. This was the stupidest disguise ever.

Ruby walked inside a record store as bright colors filled the room. Ruby walked towards the different stacks of records 'The police' had caught her eye and she reached for it.

After paying for it she left the store and walked to Stefan's place. Stefan's fathers car was still gone which meant he was still gone. Ruby opened the front door and closed it. "Stefan! I'm back!" Ruby shouted.

Ruby walked up the steps and into Stefan's room where he sat programming still. Ruby sighed before popping in 'The police' record. Ruby knew she knew the band but the lyrics seemed foreign to her. Had she forgotten the lyrics?

"Something wrong?" Stefan asked.

Ruby shook her head before sitting down on the bed listening to the record all day wondering why she forgotten she hated tea and the lyrics to each of the songs that were playing.

lmao guess what
happens if Ruby
doesn't return soon

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