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RUBY QUARTZ scrolled through twitter as Bandersnatch popped up from the hundredth time. The teen groaned growing annoyed by it, she wasn't gonna watch no Bird Box or some movie that sounds like an actor.

Janice Willson sighed next to her friend. "Girl, you're annoying me with your groaning every two minutes" Janice said.

"It's just this stupid movie keeps popping up, it's been a month! Just let it drop already! Jeez!" Ruby whined. Janice rolled her eyes.

"Why don't you play it to see what the fuss is all about, hm?" Janice questioned. Now Ruby was the one rolling her eyes.

"Because then I would get attached to the character and I really don't want that" Ruby said as she laid her phone on her chest.

Janice looked at her. "You wanna get attached to him, don't ya?" Janice asked.

Ruby picked up her phone and clicked on Netflix. "Yeah, why not?" Ruby asked.

About two hours later Ruby groaned in frustration. "That's it I quit!" Ruby said as Janice laughed.

"So far I've killed Stefan, Colin, the dad, the boss, Colin again, made Pearl go insane, had Stefan get thrown in jail, and had him fight his fucking therapist and dad! I just want Stefan to be happy! Is that too much to ask!?" Ruby exclaimed.

Ruby groaned. "Maybe I'll pull a Colin or something and jump off the fucking balcony and turn up alive and well just to be fucking killed again" Ruby said.

Janice looked at the girl. "You're gonna try again, aren't ya?" Janice asked.

"Yeah, why not?" Ruby clicked said as Stefan looked up at his roof and was yelling 'give me a sign!'. Ruby then clicked on Netflix rather than the sign seeing how the incomes were already.

The screen then turned to the computer as it read 'I am watching you on Netflix'. Stefan's face was confused. "What-what the fuck is Netflix?" Stefan asked.

Ruby bursted our laughing clicking on 'tell him more'. Then things got creepy. The computer than read 'I am a sixteen year old girl, and I am watching you on a device from the future'.

"What? Future?" Stefan questioned.

Ruby was frozen. Had the movie just predicted her age? Another choice showed but Ruby was still frozen, the movie then auto-mantically made her choice. It chose 'show him' an option that twitter never talked about.

"Janice..." Ruby trialed off.

Janice sighed. "What now?" Janice looked up but Ruby wasn't there.

"Ruby? Ruby, where did you go? Ruby I swear to god!" Janice began shouted jumping up from the bed and looked around Ruby's room. "Ruby!" Janice shouted.

sorry this is so short
and went straight to
the point unlike me

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