unexpected date

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y'all, i gotta give credit to the-captain for helping me with all these ideas. show them some love because they deserve it

this is gonna be a little mini series of oneshots. most of them are in chronological order and some are just.......stupid

Louis is a vampire and Violet is a werewolf. they're best friends because there isn't enough LouVi BroTP on the internet. 

oh and there's Violentine but you don't care about that Do YoU


-10 am, Saturday-

"Violet, why didn't you do the dishes? I need to make breakfast."

A grunt sounded from the living room, sounding quite aggravated.

"No need to get defensive, puppy."

A sharp bark and a snarl responded, obviously hating the nickname Louis had given it.

"Don't you use that tone of voice with me."

A huge white wolf with yellow-green eyes appeared in the doorway, a tired snarl on its lips.

"Violet, I don't understand you when you talk that way."

Violet made somewhat of a groaning noise before transforming back into a human, bones cracking as her joints shortened. She rolled her neck and sighed, sleepiness plaguing her voice into a raspy melody. "What do you want?"

Louis smiled. "Good morning to you, too."

Violet growled. "What do you want, leech?"

He rolled his eyes at the nickname. "I was gonna ask you what kind of eggs do you want?"

Violet barked a laugh. "You are not cooking. You almost burned down the house the last time. Get some clothes on, we're going to Starbucks for breakfast."

"That was totally Omar's fault! He didn't tell me the correct steps!"

"What part of 'set oven to 146° Fahrenheit' did you not understand?" Violet snapped.

"All the way from 'set' to 'Fahrenheit'." Louis responded, a shit eating grin on his face.

Violet fought the smile that was etching its way onto her face. "Take a shower and put some clothes on."

Louis furrows his brows. "I already took a shower. Do I smell bad?"

"Well..........yes, you do. But then again, all vampires smell bad to werewolves."

".......Fair enough.........you smell bad, too."



Violet gnawed on the straw in her coffee cup, catching the attention of Louis's playful grin. "The straw isn't a squirrel bone, Violet."

Violet growled quietly and continued to chew on the straw. She studied her surroundings, ears and nose alert for any danger. Even though anyone that would even think about starting trouble with the two would be surveyed under the bystanders, she still wasn't taking any chances.

And that's when her eyes landed on a certain brunette in a light purple hoodie and cute black glasses. 

Violet's heart caught in her throat as she stared at the girl across the cafe. Louis noticed Violet's staring and followed her gaze across the coffee shop, setting eyes on the girl. 

"Hey, I know her. We go to the same college."

Violet didn't even hear him. She was making super big heart eyes at the girl. 

Violentine One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now