The Van Allens vs A Love Potion

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She circled around to the back and hurried up the stairs before making her way across the third floor. Familiar voices sounded in the stairwell behind her and she turned, pushing open the door to peer up. Dean and Garth were talking to a woman clad all in white. "—trying to save you from a really bad accident," Dean was insisting, voice deep and quiet.

The woman glared up at the Winchester. "Are you threatening me?"

"No." Dean pulled his hand off of her shoulder, looking over at Garth in confusion. "No. I-I-I'm pointing out a pattern. Why do people keep thinking I'm threatening them?"

Garth shrugged. "Because it sounded exactly like a threat, dude." Karoline chuckled in agreement, stepping out into the stairwell.

Dean shook his head before turning back to the woman. "Look, for your own good, what did you do to get him promoted."

The woman held her head high. "I have no idea what you're talking about. Now leave me alone. Or do I have to call security?"

Dean hesitated, then stepped back, and the woman stalked down the stairs, passing Karoline with an upturned nose. Karoline waited until Dean and Garth had caught up to her. "Who was that?" she huffed.

"Marsha. CEO's wife. It's not the CEO. He's planning on resigning at the end of the week. Her, however," Dean pointed after the snobbish woman, "well, all her dream's have come true." He led the way down the stairs. "She's next."

With a shrug, Karoline and Garth followed Dean down the stairs and towards the lobby. Suddenly Dean rushed forward and Karoline broke into a run as the chandelier from above creaked and swayed before plummeting towards the ground. The Winchester got there first, arms wrapping around Marsha's white suit jacket and tackling her to the ground. The chandelier crashed to the ground where they had been only seconds before.

Karoline slid to a stop in front of the Winchester, helping the snobbish woman to her feet. "You okay?"

Marsha was staring up at Dean, face blank with shock. "How did you know?"

"Cause you're not the first. Come on." Dean led her away from the broken glass as Garth caught up to them.

"You want to tell us what's up here?" the scrawny hunter asked, shoving his hands into his pocket.

Marsha looked between Dean and Garth before finally shaking her head. "I was having lunch with friends. This guy heard me bitching. Next thing I know, he's making me an offer."

Karoline shook her head at the story. "Let me guess. He offered you your husband's job for your soul. You took it." She turned to Dean. "Someone's collecting payment early."

"Those are ten year contracts," Garth agreed. "Why's the bill coming due so fast?"

Dean shook his head. "I don't know. But I have a bad feeling about who's next. We need to get to Sam pronto."

They went to Becky's apartment first, but ended up finding nothing. Garth was the one to check her twitter account and figure out they went on a 'romantic trip', but it was Dean who found the picture of Becky and her parents in front of a small cabin not far from here. So, that's where they went.

Dean pulled the car up alongside a small cabin and shut off the engine. The three of them climbed out and up the three steps to the door. Karoline knelt down by the door and unlocked it skillfully with her lock pick. The sky was already growing dark as she slipped inside after Garth and Dean. The main room was empty, and they silently walked into the bedroom where a simple overhead light was on.

Dean paused in the doorway, stunned while Karoline busted out laughing - having to grip the wall nearby so she wouldn't fall over.

Sam stared up at them, tied spread-eagle to the bed, eyes wide and a dish towel in his mouth. He made an indistinct grunting sound, and Dean chuckled at the turn of events.

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