🌼 Randy - Fake Smile

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They're in their new house btw, so they have their own rooms.

Rye's P.O.V

We had been recording covers all day and running around to different locations to shoot them, so it was safe to say we were all very tired.

Despite being exhausted, we were all in pretty good moods. All except Andy. The rest of the boys didn't really notice, since whenever we asked how he was doing he just smiled and said he was fine.

I could see right through his fake smile.

I tried to get him to talk about it, but he kept pretending he was fine. I knew he was having an off day, but he always hid it for our sake, which I found stupid. Its not like he isn't aloud to have a bad day.

"Fovvs, you seemed off today. Are you sure you're alright?" I asked as we were walking back to the mini van. We had just wrapped up the last cover of the day. He put on another false smile, "Yes Ryan," he answered with annoyance laced in his voice, "I'm just a little tired."
What was going on with him today?

As soon as we got home Andy went to his room. The boys looked in his direction with concerned faces, but waved it off as they walked into the living room. I was about to go up after him, but Brook pulled me down onto the couch next to him and rested his head on my shoulder.

"Someone's cuddly" I said while laughing. Brook just gave me a smile, a real one, unlike someone else. We all sat their watching Lion King, but I left early, having to push a sleeping Brooklyn off my shoulder and onto Jack's lap.

"Where you going?" Mikey questioned. "I'm pretty tired, so I'm heading up to bed." That was a lie.
I was tired, but I was going up for another reason. "Night then." I looked back as I was going up the stairs, "Night Mike."

As I went upstairs, I heard quiet sobs in the direction of Andy's room. I walked over and quietly opened his door.

There he was, on the floor, back to his bed. His arms wrapped around his knees and his head down, resting on top of them.

I didn't say a word as I shuffled towards my bandmate. I sat down next to him, and placed both my arms around him.
He jumped, not expecting the sudden contact.

"Oh, jeez Rye you scared me," he said, wiping his tears away quickly, "what are you doing in here?"

"You seemed down all day Fovvs, I've been really worried. You kept smiling and saying you were fine, but I knew you weren't. I came up here to check on you, and I found you crying on the floor. Do you want to talk?"

He looked at me for a second, before turning his head away. I tried placing my hand back on his shoulder but he flinched away.

Andy's P.O.V

I had been feeling down all day. I don't why. I kept smiling and saying I was fine so the boys wouldn't worry, and they didn't. Except Rye.

He always knows when I'm sad, or not having the best day. So of course he saw right pass my fake smile. Of course he kept glancing in my direction with a worried expression, and asking how I was doing.

When we got home from filming covers all day, I ran straight up to my room, wanting to be alone. I had hoped the guys would just think that I was tired, but here I was, sobbing on the floor, with Rye sitting right next to me.

"Do you want to talk?" He asked. To be honest, I don't really know what I would say. I just came up here and collapsed to the floor, tears flooding out of my eyes. I don't even know why. The tears were still going strong about 30 minutes later, when Rye had came into my room.

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