What's Hagrid up to?

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A/N I am so sorry for not updating! I was very busy, you see. Anyways, enjoy this chapter! Also, I might have a vote to see if I should continue with the second book. What do you think? Comment down below! 

P.S. Don't you just love the word zoom?

Your POV

"Quirrell must be braver than I thought," Ron muttered. He was shooting glances at the said professor, who was very pale and thin. He'd been getting more and more nervous around the other teachers and students, especially me. 

I kept seeing Quirrell shoot looks at Harry and every single time, I would glare at him. Then he would shrink back. Every. Single. Time. 

Each time he tried to pry me away from Harry, I would growl at him until he backed off. And I'm telling you, his tries were pathetic. Such as these: "Miss L/n, would you please come over here for a bit of a talk?" 

By which I replied, "No thank you, Professor Quirrell. I have better things to do," and marched off with Harry. 

Seriously, can you believe this guy? 

And now the exams were coming up. By "coming up" I mean ten weeks away. But Hermione now started drawing up study schedules and color-coding her notes. I thought that was a great idea and I began doing the same. Harry and Ron didn't mind until Hermione started nagging them to do it too. 

"Hermione, the exams are ages away." 

"Ten weeks," Hermione snapped. "Ten weeks aren't ages, they're like a second to Nicholas Flamel." 

"But we're not six hundred years old," Ron reminded her. 

"Six hundred and sixty-five," I corrected him. I was reading a thick book called 'Defense Against the Dark Arts: For Fifth Years+'

"How did you get that?" Hermione was staring at my book. "That's only in the Restricted Section!" 

I glanced at the cover and shrugged. 

"I have my ways," I said, my eyes glimmering. Harry smirked. Hermione pouted. "Do you want to borrow it?" I offered. 

Hermione's eyes lit up. "Of course!" she squealed. She snatched the book from my hands, marked the page I was on, flipped to the beginning, and began reading. 

I smiled affectionately at Hermione and turned to Harry and Ron. "So," I began, "Like Hermione said, you need to study--starting today." 

"What?" Ron groaned. "But the exams are ten weeks away, Y/n! Ten weeks!" 

"You do realize that you need to pass these tests to get into second year, right?" I snapped. My eyes flashed. "You have to pass these!"

"I'm giving extra tutor lessons to anyone who needs them." I continued. "For the whole school, all the houses."

"I bet Ravenclaw won't need any," Ron muttered. I heard him. 

"Ron, I'll think you'll find that, surprisingly indeed, one of my first students was a Ravenclaw. He needed help with Divination." Ron's jaw dropped and I smirked. 

"You know," I said, "I bet the teachers are going to go berserk with giving us homework." 

And, it appeared, I was right. The teachers piled so much homework on us that the Easter Holidays weren't nearly as fun as the Christmas ones. Obviously, Hermione and I finished the homework as soon as we got it, but Harry and Ron were another problem. 

They needed help with every single subject and my tutoring list was full, so Hermione took over them both. They often came out badly. After these sessions, Harry could be found staring blankly at a sheet of paper, Ron banging his head against a wall, and Hermione fuming while towering over them both. 

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