A Prank Backfired

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"Shut up Hermione, I need to concentrate," I said, staring at the chessboard between Ron and me. Hermione huffed indignantly and stalked off to somewhere, grumbling under her breath. Harry watched our game--or, rather, me--intently. 

"It's my last day here, you know," Hermione said, coming back. 

"I know," I said, not taking my eyes off the board. Then I grinned triumphantly. "Ha!" I said, moving a pawn towards Ron's king, knocking him over. 

"You aren't supposed to move them with your hand, Y/n!" Ron pretested, grumbling. I shrugged.

"Who cares?" I said, grinning. "It doesn't matter,"

"I care," Ron grumbled, going over to Hermione and offering her a game of chess. Hermione looked up and glared at him before returning to the book that I gave her from the library a few days ago.

"Hey Y/n," a feeble voice next to me said. 

"Hi Harry," I said, smiling at him. He gave me a nervous smile, blushing. 

"Oh, that's right, I almost forgot!" I said, standing up. "I have to go get something!" I said, dashing away. I didn't see Harry's crestfallen face. 

When I reached my bed, I drew the curtains and held up a thin black leather cord. Then I took a deep breath, concentrated, and closed my eyes. A ball of water formed in my hands, and I began carving delicate flame designs on it after pondering a bit. I also carved in the  name Hermione in fancy letters.

Then I shrunk it into a tiny ball, made a hole through the top, and froze it. White frost crept over the water, freezing it. When it was done, I cleared away the steam and inspected it. It was beautiful. You could still see the designs, and it was a clear whitish blue. 

"Perfect," I mumbled, then strung it onto the leather strip. I cast a Everlasting Charm on the bracelet, placed it into a dark red leather pouch, Hermione's name in beautiful cursive engraved in gold on the surface. 

'Another present,' I thought. I smiled with satisfaction and slid myself underneath my bed, opening a secret compartment and placing the present inside. 

I smiled again at the other thing that I had engraved onto the charm and pouch. My initials.

Then I repeated the process with another ball of water, this time carving the name Ron in blocky yet elegant letters. Then I stopped, a new ball of water in my hands. Harry's. 

I heard a noise outside the curtains of my bed and panicked, pondering what to do with the water. Then I did something I never did before. I imagined the ball of water disappearing from my palm, and it did. I stared at my palm in bewilderment as the curtains were drawn. 

"Hi, Y/n!" a cheerful voice said. I glanced up, squinting, to find two boys with identical faces, freckles, flaming hair, and mischievous grins on their faces. 

"Oh, no you don't," I said, backing away. But too late! They grabbed me, Fred on one arm and George on the other, hauling me out of bed. "Let me go!" I yelled. I flailed and twisted, but I couldn't get out of their grip. Then a thought struck me.

"How did you get into the girls' dorms?" I asked, narrowing my eyes. The twins froze, glancing at each other. "Fred and George Weasley, tell me right now!" I demanded. "And let me down!"

"Nope," they said in unison. Then they carried me down outside the castle and down to the Black Lake, where a crowd was gathering. 

"You wouldn't," I said, the realization of what they were going to do dawning on me. "No!" I yelled, kicking them. 

"Help!" Fred and George called, and Lee Jordan came running over, grinning. 

"Don't touch me!" I growled at him. Lee Jordan backed away, smile faltering a bit.

"Come on, Lee!" Fred yelled. Lee Jordan got over his fright and helped them haul me over to the Lake. I saw Harry chewing on his fingernails, an immensely worried look on his face. 

While I was distracted, Fred, George, and Lee threw me into the Lake, laughing. I froze, the freezing water crashing over me. Then a idea popped into my head, and I grinned. They wanted a reaction? Well, they would get one.

I swam to the bottom of the lake and settled there, a curious grindylow floating over to me. I stroked it on the head, and it gave me a toothy grin. Then it sat down next to me, gurgling. A minute passed, then five. I could hear the worried murmurs of the crowd growing louder. Ten minutes passed. 

Then Fred and George's faces appeared above the water, and I swam up, streaking through the water. I burst through the surface and grabbed Fred and George's robes, hauling them into the water. The crowd screamed and yelled, rushing to the lake. I grinned at them and pulled Fred and George underneath the water. Then I swam up to the surface, jumping out of the water and landing on the ground, completely dry. 

I waved at everyone, and they waved back at me. Behind me, Fred and George surfaced, gasping. I grinned at them and stuck out my tongue. 

"Gonna prank me again?" I asked them, grinning. They stuck out their tongue at me, and I turned on Lee Jordan. I smiled at him pleasantly. Then I grinned evilly and snapped my fingers. Lee Jordan cartwheeled through the air, landing in the lake next to Fred and George, making a huge splash. 

"Well, now we know not to mess with Y/n anymore," Lee said, surfacing. Fred and George glared at him and indignantly cried, "Never! We will have revenge!"

I smirked at them. "Good luck with that," I said, strolling away from the lake and into the crowd. The crowd chanted "Y/n! Y/n!" as they threw me goods. I managed to catch them all and cast a Floating Charm on them, like I did with my books. 

"Do more magic! Do more magic!" the crowd chanted. I grinned at them. 

"What kind?" I asked.

"Any kind!" they yelled back at me. I nodded and waved my hand. My hair twisted itself up into a perfect bun, which I tugged at until it became messy and more like me

"More! More!" they shouted.

"I need an assistant!" I declared. The crowd fell silent and then roared, hands stretching up to the sky. I glanced around, then saw Fred, George, and Lee standing next to the lake, drenched. I clapped my hands and their clothes immediately went dry. I smirked at them and returned my gaze to the crowd. 

I held up my hand, and the crowd fell silent. "Whoever passes my test will be my assistant," I said, my eyes gleaming. The crowd backed away, only six people remaining. Oliver, Draco, Harry, Ron, Finnigan, and Seamus. 

I grinned. 

"Let's get started."

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