Well This is Embarrasing.

Start from the beginning

"So what, I needed-" I tried to explain.

"Him? When I'm right here for you. You needed him? Do you even understand what you're doing? He is a killer."

"No. He's not!" Why was I even sticking up for him? I knew what he was and what he's supposed to do. But there was something about him, he couldn't be a killer. He honestly could not.

"Are you sticking up for him?"

"Yes." He sighed an angry sigh. Dylan hasn't gotten angry with me since I got back, but I could tell his old, out of control ways were kicking in.

"He's dangerous and you could get hurt." he growled.

"He wouldn't do that to me." Next thing I knew, he had stood up and gotten close to me. I side stepped so I was away from the window. He followed my step with one of his own.

"You don't know him."

"I do now. We just-"

"I don't like him being around you." he said taking another step.

"I didn't ask for your opinion." I gulped.

"I think you need it."

"Why are you acting like this?"

"I don't like thinking that he's with you when I'm not." he said getting closer. I stepped back again but my back hit the wall. He continued to advance on me until he was almost touching me. I looked up to him to see him looking at my lips, which made me gulp in nervousness.

"It's not his fault though." he sighed in anger again. He seemed to shake off what I had said and moved closer to me until our lips were brushing each other. I closed my eyes and waited for his kiss.

I had completely forgotten what we were talking about.

"You should get dressed." he said, snapping out of his angry phase quickly, his voice away from me now. "But this conversation isn't over."

Bipolar much?

I fluttered my eyes open to see him by the door.I frowned at him, not only confused because I was already dressed, but upset he didn't kiss me.

Wow my lips are needy.

"Don't pout, we are going on a date." He said exiting the room.

"Aren't you supposed to ask me on one of those?" I shouted in unbelief, but total excitement.

"I already knew the answer." he smiled, popping his head inside my room.

"I might have said no." I mumbled.

He gave me a look telling me he knew I wouldn't have.

"Screw you." I mumbled.

"Babe, it's only the first date." he winked and walked away.

My eyes widened at what he was inferring and I froze.

That's not what I meant!
I was a bit risky with my decision for the night.

It wasn't skimpy or anything, come on, its me. Though I did wear a dress without tights. I know, like I said, it's a bit risky.

My dress was white and went just above my knee. It had a collar and buttons, that were all the way up to the collar. I wore a jean vest overtop and left it open. I pulled on a long necklace with a blue gem hanging. I put on white socks that went to my calves and as usual put on combat boots. They were brown but had a tribal patten on them. I also put on a couple of brown bracelets with studs on them.

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