Chapter 9: Finial

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Webby loved Diana, she's like an older sister...that's weird because she's her mom but it's cool.

she couldn't help but miss dewey, he's her best friend. She can't live without him...

They were eating dinner, it was the last day to make her decision.

"So webby you've been here for a whole week, have you made your decision?"Diana asked.

"Yes I did, I love it here, mom you're amazing and I love you but...."

"But what?"

"I can't leave dewey, they were my family first, so even though I love you and love it's not the same thing"She said.

Selene stood up "That's what you think"She said, using her powers to trap her strapped in a chair.

"You're not going anywhere".

Webby struggled "What? What are you-what are you doing?"

"You really thought I'd let you go? It's destiny, finally a daughter I can be proud of"Selene laughed "I can't just let you leave".


Donald and Scrooge got back from their trip exhausted, they never actually reached the destination they wished to but hey it's life.

"Uncle Donald!"All three boys shouted, they ran to their uncle with a big hug.

"Boys!"He shouted back.

"Did you have a good time?"Dewey asked.

"It was...ok, what about you?"He asked.

"Awesome!"Dewey shouted.

"It was interesting"Huey said.

At the same time louie said "Not as bad as I thought...I guess".

"Where's your mom?"Donald asked.

"I'm here!"Della said in the kitchen "Just needed to stir this real quick".

She walked over and hugged Donald and Scrooge.

"Oh good your cooking again"Huey sighed.

"How'd it go?"Scrooge asked.

"Were the boys any trouble?"Donald asked.

"Well we had a few bumps in the road but other then that everything worked out"She said, louie couldn't stand being in the same room with her so he walked back upstairs.

"Della, follow me, I have something to show you"Donald said.



"Quiet Diana, you're lucky to even be here".

"Am I? Am I really? I don't see it that way!"

"Are you going to sacrifice me? Or maybe throw me into a pit of snakes, sell my blood to a vampire? ARE YOU VAMPIRES?!"Webby asked.

"No"Diana said.

"We're going to bring you up into the proper princess you are meant to be"Selene said.

"Awe man, my way sounds so much better".

Diana laughed.

"You think this is funny?"

"Yeah kinda...she's just like her father"Diana said.

"Well, we'll be sure to snap that out of her"Selene said.

"Mom, stop this. This is stupid, no it's worse then stupid it's cruel and on earth THIS IS ILLEGAL!"

"What's illegal?"

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