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"Hey Stone, it's me Y/N"


"Y/N! Are you okay?" Steven asks her, still concerned for her safety. "We're fine, finished off the grunts and their Pokémon. They retreated back to their base, wherever that is" Y/N told him, the champion relaxes in his chair in Mossdeep city upon hearing she was okay.

"Stone, what does Team Magma want from you?" Y/N asks Steven. "Y/N, it's nothing for you to worry about. It's"

"Your duty as the champion of Hoenn, yeah, yeah. But now I'm sure Team Magma is going to be on my ass for helping you, so I need to know why in the hell you're so important to them" Y/N tells him, he knew she was right. In helping him, she was sure to be on Team Magma's hit list. Possibly Brendan as well, but he just couldn't get this girl pulled into the trouble that is Team Magma and the reawakening of Groudon.

He sighs, there's nothing more he could use to defend his case of not being able to tell her.

"It's not safe for us to talk over the phone, I'll tell you in person. Are you collecting gym badges?" Steven asks her. "Yes I'm collecting the badges in Hoenn, and next I'm going to Lavaridge town" Y/N said to him, confused as to why he asked her if she was collecting badges.

"We'll meet in Lavaridge town, the gym. I'll be awaiting you along with Flannery, the gym leader in Lavaridge town in three days" Steven bluntly tells her. Y/N sighs but agrees, telling him she would be there in a few days. "Don't contact me at all until we meet, unless you absolutely have to. Promise me" Y/N sighs again before agreeing to all his instructions.

"I'll see you in a few days Stone" Y/N hangs up the holo caster. "We'll finally get to see what the hell is going on in Hoenn" Y/N mumbles as she makes her way back to the Pokémon center. Brendan waiting in the lobby for her.

"What'd you stay back for?"

"I just needed a few to try and figure out what the hell happened today" Y/N sighs still thinking about just what the hell Team Magma wants with Steven Stone. "Yeah, I'm sure Steven Stone will take care of them once he gets his Pokémon. After all he is the champion" Brendan shrugs off what happened today. "You have the card to the room in your bag right?"

"Yeah I do" Y/N nods her head, she was exhausted. Needing some sleep. "Just forget about what happened today, whatever happens, happens. Steven will take care about whatever is happening" Brendon said to her.

'He's so care free. Arceus I wish I could be like him sometimes'

Y/N walks into the room, changing into her sweats and oversized shirt before throwing herself onto the bed. Laying flat against the bed, still wondering why Team Magma is so dead set on getting Steven Stone.

'I shouldn't worry about it now, two days and I'll be able to finally know why'


"Graveler earthquake!" Y/N shouts to her Pokémon. She and a trainer were in a cut throat battle just outside of Lavaridge town. The trainer having a Pyroar, it's taken to much damage and with this next move the battle will be over if Pyroar would be hit. "Pyroar dig!"

Y/N had defeated Flannery the day before, she had gotten to Lavaridge earlier than she expected. Decided to challenge the gym before Steven came.

'Heh not a good move kid' Y/N half smiles as the Pyroar digs underground. "Graveler now" Y/N commands it, within seconds the ground violently shakes. Y/N plants her feet to the ground, knowing this battle is over. "Pyroar!" The trainer shouts as the Pokémon gets shot from the ground into the air. Taken to much damage. "Pyroar can you still battle?" He asks Pyroar, it struggles to stand. Y/N is hesitant to continue, the Pokémon is to hurt to continue.

Pyroar growls still determined to win the battle. "Alright, Pyroar fire spin!" He shouts to his Pokémon. Before Y/N could call out another attack the attack hits in the middle of the field, no where near Graveler. "What?" Y/N mumbles as the fire dissipates revealing a Metagross using protect.

"What? It's a different color" The boy stares in awe of the Metagross.

She returns her Graveler, and laughs to herself. She knew exactly who owns this Metagross, not many people have a shiny Metagross after all. "Steven Stone, I thought we were supposed to meet in the gym?" Y/N says out loud as the Champion walks up from behind the young trainer.

"I suppose so, but how could I miss this battle?" Steven laughs, the trainer still shocked to see the champion and his Metagross standing in front of him. "You should get your Pyroar to the Pokémon Center, it's exhausted. And maybe we'll get to battle in the Pokémon League" Steven tells the boy, and without hesitation on the boys part. Pyroar is back in it's Pokéball and he's racing off to the Pokémon Center in Lavaridge. "Well Stone, are you finally going to tell me what the hell is going on" Y/N asks him, Steven chuckles at her persistency to find out about Team Magma.

"Yes, come with me"


"What the hell do you mean they are going to awaken Groudon?!" Y/N shouts, this can't be real.

"As long as they don't get the blue orb they won't have the ability to awaken Groudon. Steven has the Blue Orb, hence why Team Magma are desperately after him" Flannery tells her. Y/N rubs her temples trying to grasp the situation.

"And since you're the one who stopped them in Mauville, you'll be on their hit list" Steven said, eyes closed and hand holding his chin.

"Arceus what did I get myself into" Y/N mutters to herself. "As of now, I've gotten you plane tickets back to Kalos for tomorrow, it's not safe for you here. As-"

"As your duty of champion my ass Stone. I'm not leaving Hoenn because of some group of thugs. I'm fine on my own, and I'm not leaving Hoenn" Y/N protested. Flannery laughed, she'd never seen someone like her, so much spunk and fight. Hell even enough guts to tell off Steven Stone.

"Y/N you are going back to Kalos"

"Stone I can handle myself, I'm not giving into to them" Y/N tells him before storming out of the gym, headed to the next gym.

"Arceus..." Steven sighed and rubs his temple.

"You know, she's a little fire cracker. Might be good for you two to be friends, you need to loosen up sometimes. Sending her back to Kalos is a bit much, especially since she saved you. Get to know her, she might help you with Team Magma" Flannery told him. Steven scoffs, he knew best for the citizens of Hoenn. Who is Flannery to tell him otherwise?


"Who does Stone think he is? Just straight up telling me I have to go back to Kalos. What a stuck up prick" Y/N vents to her Combusken as they walk down the forest pathway. "Well, I'm not leaving, I mean come on. We're the ones who saved him!" She continues her rant. Completely spacing out of reality as she walks.

"I'm not even a citizen of Hoenn!" Y/N kicks the ground as she walks with Combusken.

Combusken coos as they walk, seemingly to calm her down. The sun is setting and darkness is creeping over their vision. Y/N takes a look to her left and see's a serene lake. Perfect place to set up camp and sleep.

"I guess we should set up camp here" Y/N sighed as she sets her bag down on the grass. "Well Combusken you should get some rest" she returns Combusken back into it's Pokéball and clips it back onto her belt. She rustles through her bag and grabs out her, nearly empty, water bottle

She walks to the lake, and fills her water bottle to the brim. Knowing that Combusken could help her boil it tomorrow before they headed off in the morning.

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