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"Hey Y/N we got some trouble!" Brendon slams the door open. Y/N wakes up, and groans as she jumps out of the bed slipping her shoes on. "Okay Absol, Combuksen help us out!" Y/N sends her two Pokémon out. They both run behind her as she see's eight Team Magma grunts who were battling against Brendon. "Absol night slash, Combusken fire spin!" Y/N yells, the two Pokémon don't hesitant to release their powerful attacks on the opposing Pokémon.

"Hmph that girl again" One of the grunts huffs. "Toxicroak poison jab on that girl" the grunt commands Toxicroak. "Marshtomp mud shot on Toxicroak" Brendon yells and Marshtomp hits Toxicroak knocking it to the floor. Y/N nods at Brendon thankful that Marhstomp stopped the Toxicroak.

"Combusken fire spin on Toxicroak!" Y/N shouts, the Toxicroak is engulfed in flames. Toxicroak faints as it was out of energy. "Y/N help Steven" Brendon shouts, she nods. "Combusken stay and help Brendon. Absol come with me" Y/N tells her Combusken, and she and Absol run to Steven's recovery room. She locks the door behind them. Steven was still asleep on the bed.

"We have to wake him up" Y/N sighed, she walks over to his bedside and shakes him softly. Steven slowly starts waking up, his eyes focusing on the girl in front of him. "W-What's happening?" Steven asks as he sits up on his own. "Stone are you strong enough to run?" Y/N asks him. "I think I can. Is Team Magma here?" Steven grabs his lavender vest and fixing his tie. "Yes. Hurry up Stone we don't have much time" Y/N scoffs at Steven who was fixing his belt. Steven sighs and checks around the room for any way to escape as Y/N takes watch at the door.

She see's as two grunts come running right to the door. "Fuck, you see anything Stone?" Y/N asks him, Absol growls at the two grunts. "Absol be ready" Y/N tells it.

"Ah ha!" Steven exclaims, he found a vent that was large enough to crawl through. "There's a vent" Steven tells her, Y/N curses under her breath. The grunts were to close for them to escape without being noticed. "Stone you go, Absol and I will take care of the grunts" Y/N tells him. Steven nods and starts breaking open the vent. "Th-Thank you Y/N" Steven says before breaking the vent open. "It's no problem Stone, just run" Y/N tells him, Steven crawls through the vent.

"Absol shadow ball!" 

~Steven Stone~

'Run, just run' Steven's mind is racing as he runs out of Mauville. He hides in the bushes huffing trying to catch his breath. "How the hell am I going to get back to Rustboro?" Steven huffs, he checks his pockets for anything he could use. "Nothing" Steven looks around for anyone who could help, Steven's face lights up realizing that a man was on his Holo Caster. "Excuse me sir!"

The man looks over at the champion shocked he asks what was happening. Steven didn't have time to explain anything other than he needs to call someone to pick him up to take him back to Rustboro city. The man let Steven use his holo caster.

"Father? I need someone to pick me up to get back to Rustboro, Team Magma, again. I'm at route 117" Steven says to his father before he had a chance to even say hello to his son. "I see, we'll pick you up as soon as possible, Steven be careful" His father tells him, concerned laced in his voice. Steven smiles softly at his fathers concern. "Don't worry, I'll be careful, dad" Steven tells his father before hanging up the call. "Thank you sir" Steven bows his head giving the man his holo caster back.

Steven walks away from the man, trying to find a place to hide whilst his father comes to pick him up. "We'll meet again Y/N" Steven murmurs as he disappears into the forest.


"Absol great job bud" Y/N says as she pets it's head. "Now what are you planning to do with the champion" Y/N asks the grunt that was being completely still against the wall. " I-It's our boss, Maxie. Gah shit I've said to much" He blurts out in fear of Absol. "Fuck- Team Magma" Y/N curses under her breath. "Tell us more, or you'll regret it" Y/N snaps at him, Absol standing by her side. The grunt curses, but stills suddenly. A devilish grin appears on his smug face. 

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