Forget Them

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A/N Just a little background

This is a high school AU. Cas is a popular football player, star of the team to be exact, and Dean wants to be a cheerleader (after all Jensen was one so... why not?). If it meets your high and classy qualifications, vote/comment and if you have suggests please let me know! Enjoy:).

"You're dismissed, men!" The coach bellowed in the locker room. The football team scattered to complete their business. A few of the students filtered out immediately, haven been quicker in the showers. The others, who had had to wait on the first set, went back to the showers with a towel around their waists.

"Hey, Bruce, you seen the new cheerleader chick?"  Bryan called across the crowded room.

"Nah, is she hot?"

"I'd hit that." Cas couldn't understand how those guys could be so insensitive to another human. They acted like women were objects. Cas had never had that opportunity, as he had always been less into girls, and more interested in the males around him. Luckily, none of the guys on his team had ever struck his interest.

He just wished he had a cheerleader like the other guys on the team. The most popular players were paired with the most popular cheerleaders. Castiel was the third most popular, but he broke the chain. He just wouldn't date her. He would never let them know why, though.

Castiel quietly left the locker room. Being gay in a room full of half-naked guys was never a comfortable situation. He was glad he was a good actor, as well.

Castiel was ready to graduate. His senior year had just begun, and he couldn't wait to get out of high school, leave town, and never see his bigoted parents again. They were blind to the fact that he was gay, and he desperately hoped to keep it that way. They weren't the type of Catholics to forgive and forget. They would never let him live it down.

Even less so, was Michael. Michael would shun him and send him away if he found out. His other siblings (Gabriel, Anna, and Lucifer) would stand by him, through thick and thin.

Cas popped into the driver's seat of the family car. All his siblings shared it. It had nearly started a family war once. They eventually found a way to work it out.

Out of nowhere, a male he had never seen before knocked on his window. Trying to hide his fright, Castiel rolled down his window to see another senior with shining green eyes. Though he recognized the student, Cas did could not place where he had seen him before.

It was his voice that gave it away. It was the senior's voice that had always cause Cas to melt internally.

"Hello," the student outside the car said. He sounded a bit nervous. "I'm Dean. Winchester. We-uh-I was in the play last year, you saw." Dean stumbled about his words, trying to sound nonchalant. Cas remembered the play well. Secretly after school, trying to keep up his reputation, Cas had gone to the play's rehearsals and helped the director. At those weekly rehearsals, Cas had met Dean. The most they had said were introductions. They hardly knew each other, but something about Dean, the talented lead of last year's play, made Cas excited.

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