I whined and tossed and turned.

I couldn't figure out why until I stopped and took  deep breath.

My sheets still smelt of her.

I pouted and felt my lips tremble. She had literally broken off the submissive thing minutes ago and now I was getting emotional over it.

I sighed and pulled the pillow over my face, trying to calm myself and not have another breakdown.

I sighed and got up, I grabbed my clothes ad put them back on.

I grabbed my phone and keys and jacket and unlocked my door. I walked into the hallway and locked the door and walked down the hall.

I didn't have a place in mind, I just needed to escape.

As I walked out the building I saw Demi walking in the direction of my building. I stopped dead in my tracks and turned right around. Opening and running back to my dorm.

Once I got to the first landing I heard the door to the dorm shut and then open. The sound of heels followed.

I ran up the stairs and right to my dorm.

I fumbled with the keys, dropping them in the middle of grabbing a hold of the room key.

I sighed and just closed my eyes, leaning my head against the door.

When I felt a hand on my back I jumped a little. I turned around quickly, Demi was facing me. She was no longer mad.

She seemed regretful.

"Don't touch me." I turned around and picked up my keys, unlocking my door and shutting it, only it didn't shut.

Demi held it open and walked in.

I clenched my jaw and turned towards her, trying to hold back tears.

I knew If I let myself cry I'd end up begging for her to forgive me. I couldn't do that.

"Ry I cam-" I cut her off quickly by laughing.

"I don't give a shit on why you came back here. You told me I was no longer your submissive, you didn't want anything to do with me anymore. Why'd you'd come back to me?" I waited for an answer, when she didn't answer right away I scoffed.

"You clearly didn't trust me so why would you all of a sudden trust me?" Demi took a breath and moved forward, closing the door and standing in front of me.

"Don't do that intimidation shit. After what just happened I don't want anyone standing in front of me." Demi looked hurt and took a step back.

"Ry. Listen to me." I sighed and sat on the bed, waiting for some bullshit excuse.

"I understand that I said that shit, I fucked up. I was pissed off. Seeing him touch you and kiss you pissed me off because you were mine." I watched her face, her eyes were soft and she seemed like she was about o cry.

"I fucked up and I will own up to that. I came back here to apologize to you. I want you forgiveness as well as your trust. And hopefully the opportunity for you to stay my submissive." suddenly a bit of rage flew through me.

"Do you think that my fucking feelings are some kind of toy? Something you can just fuck around with and see what will happen?" Demi was shocked to say the least, her mouth hung open a little and she struggled to even utter a word.

I watched her intently, seeing if she was faking anything feelings wise.

"Ry I'm sorry. I over reacted." I shook my head and laid down on the bed. I heard her walk closer, the bed dipped as she sat down.

I looked up and over and now saw that she was crying. I was at a loss for words. She never seemed like the kind of person who'd cry.

Her hand rested on her thigh but she slowly moved it towards my face, where the hand prints were still visible.

"Ry I-I'm s-so sorry. I fell fucking hor-iblle for not  bring there," she wiped at the tears rolling down her face, "I fucked up when I y-yelled at you." she let out a tiny whimper which made me sit up right away.

I sighed and wrapped my arms around her. She melted against me and cried into my shoulder.

"You know I forgive you, and I understand you were mad." Demi held me tighter and pushed her face into my shoulder.

Never did I think I'd have the head mistress to the academy crying on my shoulder.

"And you know I still be your submissive." Within seconds Demi's head popped up, hope written all over her face.

"Y-You wi-will?" I nodded and kissed her cheek. Her frown and state of confusion quickly turned into a huge smile.

Demi smiled and pushed me back, holding onto me and hugging me. She didn't dare kiss me or try anything after the events of earlier.

"thank you thank you thank you thank you!! Oh my god, thank you baby." I smiled and hugged her.

"No problem mistress."

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