Chapter Nine

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Adrie massaged her temples. Her head pounded against her skull. Her stomach tossed and turned with each movement of her car. She sat in the back, with Connor at the wheel and Hank in the passenger seat. Connor gave Adrie his tie to stop the bleeding on the back of her head. She had the cloth tied around her head like a makeshift bandage. Connor's eyes occasionally drifted to the mirror to check on her.

"How are you feeling, Detective?" he asked. Adrie met his gaze in the mirror.

"Like shit," she answered. Connor frowned.

"It appears you have a severe concussion. I suggest you go to a hospital to seek medical care," he said.

"No. All they're gonna tell me is that I gotta rest," she said. Adrie leaned back in her seat and closed her eyes. Connor sighed. He saw a turn off for the Riverside Park bridge. Since both of his partners were in a compromising state, he thought they could use a place to rest. He pulled off of the main road and drove into the parking lot. He turned off the ignition.

"We're at the bridge in Riverside Park. I will remain here if you need me," Connor said. Hank immediately got out of the car, not before he grabbed a bottle of beer that was laying on the floor. The sound of the door slamming shut caused Adrie to grunt in pain. She waited for a moment, then weakly pushed open the door and moved over to the bench where Hank sat. The snow fell steadily over the park. The steps of each detective left footprints in the snow.

"How's your head?" Hank asked. Adrie sniffed.

"It fuckin' hurts," she said. Hank nodded. He took a sip from the bottle. Adrie looked at her partner, "Yeah, feel free to drink my beer. Don't ask or anything."

"You weren't drinkin' it," he replied. Adrie shook her head. She heard footsteps behind her. She glanced over her shoulder, seeing Connor approaching the pair.

"Nice view, huh?" Hank asked. Adrie turned her attention back to the lieutenant, "I used to come here a lot before..."

Hank took another swig from the bottle. Adrie removed a hand from her head to rest it on Hank's shoulder. Connor stood on the other side of Hank.

"Before what?" Connor asked.

"Hm?" Hank hummed.

"You said 'I used to come here a lot before'. Before what?" Connor continued.

"Before... Before nothin'," Hank said. He clasped both of his hands around the beer bottle. Adrie kept her eyes on the ground. She knew exactly what Hank was talking about.

"It's late. Maybe you two should go home," Connor said.

"I'm not tired. Guess, neither are you," Hank said. Connor folded his arms across his chest. He looked out over the water. The lights from the city reflected off of the calm waves. The android moved closer to the guard rail lining the park.

"We're not making any progress on this investigation," he said, "The deviants have nothing in common. They're all different models, produced at different times, in different places..."

"Well, there must be some link," Adrie countered. Connor thought for a moment.

"What they have in common is this obsession with rA9. It's almost like some kind of... myth. Something they invented that wasn't part of their original program," he said. Hank chuckled to himself.

"Androids believing in God... Fuck, what's the world comin' to," Hank said. He took another gulp of beer. Adrie moved back to massaging her temples.

"You seem preoccupied, Lieutenant," Connor said, "Is it something to do with what happened back at the Eden Club?"

"Those two girls... They just wanted to be together. They really seemed... In love," Hank said. Adrie's tired mind started to think again. Even though they hurt her, Adrie couldn't help but agree with Hank. Did androids experience the emotions needed for love?

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2020 ⏰

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