Chapter Eight

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"Fuckin' androids," Hank mumbled. His hands covered his eyes, his head hung low. Adrie occasionally glanced in her rear view mirror at her poor, drunk partner. Hank sat in the back of the car, with Adrie and Connor in the front. Connor was giving Adrie directions toward the sex club downtown. Her windshield wipers squeaked as they wiped away the pouring rain. There was no music playing through Adrie's car, she figured Hank wouldn't appreciate that.

"I'm sorry, Lieutenant," Connor began, looking over his shoulder, "But we really do need you for this case."

"You have Adrie," Hank said. Adrie smirked.

"We were both assigned to this case, dipshit. I'm not doing it without you," she replied. Hank huffed.

"I also apologize for breaking your window," Connor said quietly.

"What?" Hank asked. His hands dropped to his seat, "You broke a fucking window?"

"He didn't know I had a key," Adrie said.

"Why didn't you tell him?" Hank continued. His voice was rising in level.

"I didn't know he was gonna break a window!" Adrie answered.

"I am sorry for the confusion, Lieutenant," Connor interrupted. Hank looked between his partners, then sighed.

"Whatever. It can be replaced," he muttered. The three sat in silence. Only the squeaking windshield wipers and the pounding rain could be heard. Adrie drummed her fingers against the steering wheel softly. She glanced back at Hank, who had his head in his hands once again. Finally, Connor spoke up.

"Pull in right here," he said. Neon, pink light emanated from a large building. It poured over the pooled water on the street. Several police cars were parked around the entrance. Adrie put her car in park next to the curb.

"Ah... Feels like someone's playing with a drill inside my skull," Hank said, "You sure this is the place?"

"It's the address in the report," Connor said. Hank nodded.

"Right... Okay. Let's get goin'," he said. He pushed open the back door and stepped out into the rain. Connor looked back at Adrie.

"Is he angry with me?" he asked. Adrie shook her head.

"No, he's just hungover. He'll get over himself soon enough," she said. She threw a small smile at the android. She pulled her key out of the ignition and joined Hank outside. The three walked up to the entrance. A single officer stood by the glowing police barrier. Hank chuckled.

"Sexiest androids in town. Now I know why you insisted on coming here!" he said to Connor. The android's face blushed a dull blue, yet Hank took no notice. Adrie nudged Connor's shoulder as she passed.

Several androids lined the wall of the club, varying in genders. Each were held in a glass tube. They stood and watched as the detectives walked down the hall. The hair on the back of Adrie's neck stood up. Something about this wasn't right. They were forced to stand there until they were used, then were thrown out when damaged? It seemed almost... inhumane.

They entered the room with androids pole dancing down the center. A beautiful female android was near the doorway. Adrie watched her movements for a moment, slightly impressed.

"Detective?" Connor asked. Adrie looked over at him.

"I've never been able to comprehend how difficult pole dancing is," she said. Connor cocked his head.

"Hey, Hank!" Officer Collins greeted. Adrie and Connor looked over to the conversation between Ben and Hank.

"Hey, Ben. How's it going?" Hank asked, not expecting an answer. Ben pointed to the room he stood in front of.

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