Chapter 9

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Meg's POV

I woke up remembering what has happened the night before. Why would I dream that? It could mean something. I just don't understand. I'm just gonna try to forget it.


I heard her running over here.

"Yes?" She asked

"I love you so much."

"I love you too."



"Auntie Taylor wanted me to tell you that you're invited to her party. She said you could bring a guest, no kids allowed."

"Okay, when is it?" I asked.

"Today at 7:30."

I looked at my phone. 6:50. I have a few minutes. Gosh.

At Taylor's party

I found Taylor and we were dancing together. Milo was sitting at the bar. When I say Taylor's drunk I mean she's massively drunk.

"Tay, I'm gonna go talk to Milo."

She nodded and went to go find her other friends.

I walked over to Milo and ordered a drink. 1 drink turned 13. I know I'm drunk. And so is Milo.
The next day

Let's just say if I'm pregnant I might scream. Today we'd be checking if our first attempt at trying for a baby worked, since you can't check right away. I'm excited to be a parent again. You know? Getting to raise a baby right this time. No giving it up. I crossed my fingers as I peed on the pink and white stick.

I paced back and forth, as I bit my nails.


I picked up the stick and smiled. Positive is what the stick read. I was ready. We got this. I grabbed a pillow and hit Milo.


He rubbed his eyes and grinned.

"First try and we've got a baby! WOAH!" he said with enthusiasm.


"So Kingston, we have to tell you something. We hope you take it well." I said while I held Milo's hand.

"I'm pregnant babe."

"Wow, really? That's cool. I hope you have a baby boy. Can I name him or her? Hmm? For a boy I was thinking Kameron and for a girl Kaylee Grace. So two m's and two k's!" She exclaimed.


"Mi, wanna have a movie night?" I asked.

"Yea, what do you wanna watch?"

"A Star Is Born?"

"Too inappropriate for Kingston."

"Umm..This Is Us? The One Direction movie?" I said with a big smile.

"I guess." He replied as he rolled his eyes.

"Kingston! We're gonna watch the ONE DIRECTION MOVIE!" I shouted.

We have been trying to convince Milo to watch This Is Us for ages! He says it's lame, but he doesn't know anything. So this is our victory.

Kingston brought the popcorn and the disc. She put the DVD into the DVD player and sat on the bed.

"High five, we won!" She whispered.

We high fived and once again Milo rolled his eyes at us.

I clicked play and we enjoyed the movie.

A/N sorry it took so long to update. I didn't know what to write.


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