The city

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I don't live in the city you hear in fairytales. I don't live in a place that they had before 2015 where you can go shopping, and amazing community no this is not a fairytale this is a dump. the skies here aren't blue they're gray from all the smoke from factory's. there is gray buildings lined up side by side. you never see anybody walking around. I live in a place called Brishelm not very pretty but it kinda suits the city. This town is filled with human robots. Nobody knows what's on the the outside except the government. There is a shield covering all Brishelm there is no windows to see the the outside. I've never seen blue skies I only see them in books. We don't even have skies we have smoke. We have street lights for lighting so it's very dark out. The city is just only feel sorrow...your never happy i don't even know what know what happiness feels like. Brishelm is just so gloomy and upsetting you just want to cry. Since its so upsetting you can think a lot, But you don't think of happy things you think of upsetting things like where are my parents. I ask this everyday why? I always just wonder did they give me up so that the government can just take me away? Where they happy i am not in there life's? I don't know the city just always makes me think and this is the only thing I usually think of. Why?

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