Part 5

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I looked up at Thorin, who was standing tall at the front of the boat. He looked so great and handsome. Once we reached land, the rest of the company had to climb up and down grey rocks that seemed to go on forever. 

Balin made his way to me. "I told you that Thorin fancied you, Arura." 

I gave a laugh. "You did indeed." 

Looking at Thorin leading the company made me think of what our future holds. 

"Balin... Do you think we'll make to see the end?" I questioned with a down tone. 

Balin clicked his tongue. "I have not a clue. But I do hope so." 

"Me too, but why now? Why did he ask me now?" I questioned with a sad tone from thinking that we may not live to see the end. 

"Oh... I don't know. Maybe he thinks he won't see the end, but now he has you to promise life and a future to. Arura," Balin stopped me from walking only to give meaningful words. "Thorin is a good person, but sometimes he loses faith in himself, so he turns others. Arura, if we make it through, you must promise me... that you will always help Thorin from getting foggy. You must give him a reason to always fight."

I tried hiding the tears that leaked from my eyes. "Balin, I have no idea what lies ahead, but I promise to be there for Thorin no matter what. And I will give him a reason to keep fighting. I will be his reason and his guide."  

Balin put his hand on my shoulder and gave me a sincere smile as I returned the same. 

We were now at the bottom of the mountain and all we needed to find a way up to the hidden door. The males looked around, but I was smart enough to walk away from them. I turned the corner of a large boulder and the stairs to the top of the mountain. 

"Thorin, up here!" I shouted, pointing at the zigzagged staircase up. 

Thorin ran to me as quick as possible. When he saw the stairs a giant smile crept across his face and a hand on my hip. "You have keen eyes, Future Arura Oakenshield." 

We all climbed up, up, and up. Helping one another out. Thorin pulled me up and I turned around and pulled Bilbo up. Reaching the top and sudden glow appeared on Thorin's face as he took in the sight. Thorin jumped to the wall and started to talking to himself than to everyone. 

"Let all those who doubted us... rue this day!" He shouted, holding the to the mountain up. 

We all cheered. Dwalin went up and was looking for the key-hole. Thorin was getting worried so he sent in Nori. Then he tried forcing it open, but that only broke our weapons. When the sun finally went down, Thorin was crushed that we haven't found the key-hole. He read the map over and over, asking what we missed. Everyone had a gloomy look on their faces. Balin said it was over, so they all grabbed their things and started to head down the mountain. 

"Thorin, it can't be over," I sternly shouted. 

Thorin softly rubbed my arm. "I'm sorry, Arura, but we didn't make it. Come along." 

I pulled my arm away. "It's not over. I didn't take your hand in that cell just to see you fail. No, I will not stand by that! The map says 'The last light of Durin's day will shine upon the key-hole.' Maybe it means the last light as in the moon. Before the new day starts it must be night and that means that's the last light. It has to be." I took my hands and held Thorin's face. "Please just hear me through." 

Thorin rested his face on mine, touching noses. He stayed like that for a while as if we were talking with our minds. It was calming a way and very intimate. He stroked my hair and let his hand fall to my hip. " I hope you're right." 

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