
"Class is about to start! Please return to your seats!" Iida called out from his chair, not wanting to be dissed for being the only one standing in front again.

(Name) gently slugged Bakugou's face as a joke and she ran away to her seat, passing Todoroki and ruffling his hair.

He left it like that which made (Name) snort.

The rest of the class droned on, the day was mostly normal with no practical exercises and physical tests, and to Class 1-A, that's pretty boring.

Though, during the second subject in the afternoon, Tomoe and Takae opened the door, asking Ectoplasm to excuse their little sister.

(Name) looked up from her seat, and raised a brow. She was confused.

Why were her elder twin brothers here? Shouldn't they be in class?

They neared her and started packing her bag when they got permission after explaining, the class looking at them, murmuring and asking what was going on.

"Onii-san..what are you doing here?" She asked, a feeling of fear rushing inside her, pricking her skin and chilling her spine.

Tomoe didn't answer, his expression blank and unreadable as he slung his sister's bag over his shoulders, the old staff that has been passed down to her in his hands.

Turning to Takae, she looked at his hand that he was gesturing for her to take.

"Kiddo, we have to go now. It's Mommy."

The class immediately felt bad as they heard the usually stoic and serious senpai refer to his sister as a child, and seeing the usually upbeat and bubbly Tomoe silent, a distant look of longing in his face.

(Name)'s heart was pierced when she heard that.

She doesn't want to think it.

She shouldn't think it.

Her legs trembled as she stood up, taking Takae's hand, silently following them out of the room, a foreign language was used as Takae spoke to her, explaining why they needed to leave so early.

Iida looked the most affected when Takae told her the reason of their presence.

She would be going through the same thing he did. He just hoped that she wouldn't let her emotions control and affect her as much as it did to him.

Todoroki and Bakugou on the other hand only knew one thing in their minds.


They wanted to come with her, but it was a family concern, so they can't meddle with their business.

"What was that?"


(Name) looked upon her mother, various wires attached to her arms, an oxygen mask on her face as she weakly smiled at her child. Bloodied bandages and gauze were wrapped around her head, face and limbs, her hair uneven and singed. Her eyes were swollen and her lip had a wound. This sight made (Name) even more scared, the thought that lingered in her mind grew bigger.

This shouldn't be happening.

Takae told her she was hit by a villain's attack in protecting many civillians. She had many burns from an explosion, fractured bones and many deep cuts and wounds. 

One of which were dangerously close to her heart.

"Come here, (Name). You too Tomoe, Takae."

Inhyeong spoke in her native language, and the second language of her children. She felt herself getting weaker as the minute passed, but she persisted. There was something she still had to say to her children. Something important.

Indecisive [BNHA boys Reverse Harem]✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora