i cant choose a heading

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I wake up the next day with pillows hitting my face and my mum screaming "THERES PEOPLE AT THE DOOR TO SEE YOU!!" She seemed confused because we've only been here for 2 days and I've barely left the house.... I mean.... Eww, gross.

So I get up and get myself looking at least a little decent looking for what's waiting for me.

I walk down stairs to see 2 very tall muscular men in black tuxedos carrying a suitcase. Ones actually quite good looking but I have to ignore that.

They ask to speak to me alone. So I head outside and close the door so my mum couldn't hear what's going on.

The first man starts talking, "we know what you are taniah" I look at them confusingly pretending I don't know what they mean. He starts talking again, "when we were double checking the footage from the astroid we saw something quite peculiar" he clears his throat like he was about to tell me something unbelievable. "We saw you walking in the direction of the astroid and when it landed you were suddenly gone, it seems like the astroid has done something to you, mutating your DNA and giving you special abilities" I look less confused and I seem to understand what the fuck happened to me. The good looking one speaks now, "we are able to help you control those abilities of yours and we could use your help, we need someone like you to help us in the war"

I just stare at them blankly for like 20 seconds and say straight up "I think I'm good." And back away closing the door behind me, I release a sigh and start to walk back to my room.

I hear another knock at the door so I walk up to it and say "I said I'm good" through the mail slot. They keep knocking so I open the door just about to go off my nuts, but instead of seeing 2 handsome FBI workers, I see 2 little nerds.


Cliff hanger

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2019 ⏰

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