tan-eye-ah the not so good at things

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"If only I could be a hero.
Not that kinda hero with powers and stuff, one that other people look up to."

This is the most bland start to anything I've ever written, I'm going to get an F on this assignment for sure..

My mum bursts into the room with tears rolling down her face.

"Mum, what's wrong?"

"I'm getting a divorce with your father!"

Tbh I kinda wanted this to happen, my dad's not a nice guy, he's kinda abusive but I've gotten used to it.

So it's the same old "Karen takes the kids" story except I'm ok with being taken from that asshole.

It's about 10 o'clock at night by now and we stop at a lil place nearby a lake, it's not much but it's something, new school, new friends new everything. all I can say right now is THANK FUCK, some people hate moving, I don't really care for it, I like the fact that I'm meeting new people and getting more followers on my snapgram account.

I decide to take a walk around the neighbourhood and that's when things when down hill.

You know the basic story of "astroid crashes down so you touch it and BOOM, powers?" Basically that but worse.

After it crashed I obviously decide to take a look, I see this slime shit I avoid touching it because that's gross and common knowledge. I take a look at this cool rock tho, it's neon purple and it's shaped in a triangle shape but not so triangle.

I think it looks cool so I pick it up and take it home.

Once I get home I drill a hole in it and put a lil string in that bitch and boom, a cute lil necklace.

My little sister comes bursting in and screaming "LOOK ON THE NEWS TANIAH" so what do I do? Look on the news.

The astroid is there and you can see it landing, except I'm not there, it's like someone bleeped me out of the whole footage of the astroid.

I look closely at the film and you can see foot prints moving on the grass just where I stood, so I was certain that I was either invisible or bleeped out ....mostly going for the bleeped out tho.

I fall the fuck asleep because, bitch was sleepy.

I hope y'all like this, it's just the intro there's more to improve on os lemme know.

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