i struggle with headings

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I fell asleep at my laptop and wake up to hear my little sister screaming her head off. "TANIAH IS BEING WEIRD!!" she screamed untill I had the energy to take a look at what she ment......well, there I was sitting mid-air again.

After a solid 10 minutes of trying to convince my sister that it was a trick and not an actual power she finally believed me.

I get back on my laptop to see 3 emails from different people, all sent at the exact same time I were to put the rock around my neck.

One from: fbi@madeupbrowser.moc

And the others from what seemed to be nerd website.

I click on the "FBI" one first.
After what seemed like 49 minutes of reading I managed to get to the point of what it said.
It was stating things like "your a special human"
"We can help you" and random shite

The other 2 were like 1 paragraph long. But I skimmed through them and both said the same thing but in different words. "Don't trust the government" "we are just like you" we can help."

So I'm just left there confused about what the fuck im supposed to do, so I go to my trusty solution for everything; the one answer I'll always need..... A nap

Not So Human AnymoreHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin