Chapter 5

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Artina never cared for the title Angel of Avarice. As an angel, she was supposed to uphold the Heavenly Virtues that were part of Celestia's society. Avarice, or greed, meant an insatiable desire for wealth or gain. She only collected HL from the Netherworld for the sake of Flonne's mission which, in the end, turned out to be crafting a giant mecha Flonne. It was rather silly, but then Flonne was prone to fanciful whims, preaching about love and justice, along with a fanatical passion for all things superheroes and justice. Ah, but describing Flonne as fanatical was rather unfair; Flonne was simply very devoted to things that she believed in, and diligence could also be considered one of the Contrary Virtues that were preached in Celestia. Yes, Flonne did have some eccentricities in comparison to the oftentimes uptight uppercrust of Celestial Society, but her heart was the purest among even the most devoted of angels.

Even after they saved the moon from falling, thanks to Mecha Flonne, Artina was still called the nickname Thief Angel. Her Sir Vampire, a demon of most impressionable honor and noble principles, even remarked that she had a certain glint in her eyes whenever the matter of money was concerned. He even called her a 'moneygrubbing woman', despite Artina's insistence that she was only doing it for a mission. Even though Valvatorez seemed to have forgiven her for making him keep a promise that eventually led to his fall to Hades, his werewolf steward, Fenrich, had called her a hypocrite.

Fenrich's words had stung Artina. It wasn't just because Fenrich had a rapier-sharp wit and an effective means of verbally eviscerating anyone of his choosing, but it was the fact that maybe the werewolf was right. Was Artina really exempt from hypocrisy or sin due to the virtue of being an angel? As a human, Artina lived a pious life. She was a nurse on the battlefield, taking care of wounded soldiers who fought in the war that her country was caught up in. Artina held no attachment to earthly possessions or materials. She had been the definition of frugal, honest, compassionate, prudent, and chaste.

After living by these principles, Artina became an angel. Yet Valvatorez didn't seem to recognize her when they crossed paths in the Netherworld. Was it because that she changed so much, or was it because 400 years truly had been a long time, even for a demon? Maybe Artina really wasn't that important to Mister Vampire. The only thing that Valvatorez could thank her for was for discovering sardines while being confined in Hades. No...the person who had been by Valvatorez's side all this time was Fenrich, the werewolf steward who tended to Valvatorez's every need, who doted upon him, at times, and demonstrated unwavering loyalty that would have made the greatest of Saints pale.

With someone like that by Valvatorez's side, Artina had no right calling him 'My vampire'. Sometimes Artina envied the closeness Valvatorez and Fenrich shared. But Artina knew that Fenrich was the right person for Valvatorez, the person who took care of Valvatorez when Artina disappeared for 400 years. Maybe Artina's sin wasn't an insatiable appetite for money, but for longing for something that she couldn't have.

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