Chapter 1

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Ever since Artina came to the Netherworld, a world of vices and sin, she found herself drawn into the temptations that it offered. No would have suspected that the pure, angelic Artina would find an appetite for something that was like money and power all rolled into one. Saints and sinners, she couldn't get enough of it, which surely was one of the many sins that she committed while remaining in the Netherworld. Maybe it was the influence of demons or maybe it was because Artina was looking for a change, some thrills that were so rampant in the Netherworld that Celestia sorely lacked. Celestia was all about chastity and innocence; an angel had to be a maiden of purity, a heart that was not swayed by temptation or vice. Artina didn't care if she became a Fallen Angel at this point. She came to the point where she was just falling, falling, down into the nine concentric circles of hell that the poet Dante traversed.

His every touch sent shivers down her spine, his kisses left bruises on her skin, and the feeling of Fenrich inside her seared every cell in Artina's body. Her back arched as she spread her legs to allow Fenrich deeper inside; she can feel her walls clenching around his shaft with tight friction. On this decadent night, demon and angel performed a ritual of intense heat, breathless pants, and unholy lust. Artina didn't know how it came to this; Fenrich and Artina absolutely loathed one another. In public, they hurled insults at one another, exchanged derisive glances and everything else except hitting one another. But when the bedroom doors were closed, they bit one another, pulled each other's hair, raked their nails over every trace of their bodies.

Down, down, they descended, deeper into the labyrinth of sins until they couldn't claw their way back out.

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