Tigger's Condolences

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(A short letter from Tigger, expressing his condolences when he received the news of Christopher Robin's death. Tigger was living overseas at the time of Christopher Robin's death.)


My condolences to the surviving family of the late Christopher Robin. I had known Christopher Robin for all my life. I remember him not as the captain that served his nation well, but as a man torn by conflict, from all sides. It must have been excruciatingly difficult to cope with the mental challenges that faced him. Death inflicted by his best friend, however, did not break him down. It only reinforced his mental determination, to pull the trigger, to urge the horse on, to lead men, that he knew, would perish along with him. 

Nothing, friends, could compare. 


(Author's Note: As of August 2019, I added in the credits scene from the New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, for nostalgia's sake. I figured it was going to be a sweet and nostalgic conclusion to a otherwise dark story.)

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