Chapter 11~ Maybe Carson Didn't Fall Out Of The Tree After All...

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After we made it back to the roof, I took a quick nap.  A power nap.  Hey!  Don't make fun of me!  You would need a nap too if you were terrorized by two evil entities in one day!  Since the topic came up, She  hadn't bothered me since Lilith's mind.  Because she held some of the demon's power, did that mean that part of her was taken down as well?  Call it wishful thinking, but it made me feel a lot better.

Anyways, I slept less than Lilith.  She was out like a light, until Carson (that son of a biscuit) decided it would be a grand idea to pour water on her face.  However rude it was, it got her up and Marceline and I tackled her to the ground.  It was good to see our friend again.  Marceline broke the hug to interrogate Lilith.

"Who am I and what do you remember?" she said while looking at Lilith fiercely in the eyes.  I waited in anticipation.

"The black cat that always steals my food," she said then gestured towards me.  "And waffle girl over there is the most insane fangirl I have ever met in my entire life."  Yep.  She's back.

"eRmAgErSh!  Your memories are back!"  I squealed and hugged her so tightly, I think I might have broken her.  She smiled as she looked around, until her eyes landed on Carson.  She jumped.

"Hold up.  Why is Carson here?!  Did I do something weird again?!"  Lilith ducked behind me and I looked at Carson with a blank face.  Fleabag gets what he deserves.

"Chill out," he said while putting his hands up in a defensive manner.  "I was helping you.  And you didn't do anything too weird."  Lilith continued to glare at him suspiciously, but stepped out from behind her meat shield.  She approached him and grabbed the collar of his shirt, forcing them to be more or less the same height.

I don't trust that look!  What in the world did I do?!  Tell me!" she shouted in his face.  He just smiled at her and hugged her.  I could see her face heat up, as if she were in a cartoon.  She scrambled out of his hold and folded her arms.  "What was that for?!" She demanded.  We all chuckled.

"Well," Hiddleston sighed.  "At least most of her memories are back.  I shall be off then." He announced.  Lilith uncrossed her arms and looked genuinely upset.

"Wait!  Why not stay?" she asked.

"Don't worry," he said.  "You still have my number.  You can call me whenever you like."

"Thank you for everything, Hiddleston," Lilith said.  

"My pleasure." he said as he performed a most dramatic move with his hat, and disappeared.  The silence seemed quite awkward to say the least.  Carson spoke first.  

"What happens now?"  he asked.  It was a good question.  What does happen now?  There were a lot of things to do.  Were there?  I didn't even know.  Luckily, Lilith had an answer.

"We just keep everything a secret," she said while smiling at Carson.  Bleh.  Gag me with a chainsaw.  Enough of this real life lovey-dovey stuff.  I'll stick to my fanfictions.  I couldn't help but smile though.  Maybe they were right for each other.

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