Chapter 8

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Jade's POV

"What the fuck is the matter with you? Do you just like ruining people's happiness?" I snap storming into Keith's room where he was pacing.

"What about my happiness?" Keith snaps looking at me.

"Your mom hasn't been happy in a while, my dad truly makes her happy. Can you hold onto your ego for two seconds and see how truly happy she is? Sometimes you need to make sacrifices for the people you love. maybe you would be happy if you would just give us a chance at being your family." I say shaking my head in disappointment.

"You are not my family, why don't you get that? I don't have to sacrifice anything, my mom deserves so much better. She doesn't need you pathetic low lives. All you guys are gonna do is bring a bunch of baggage we don't need. I don't know why she can't see it, but shes just gonna get hurt again. I need to protect her cause obviously, no one else is gonna. We don't need you guys." He rants glaring at me. But his glare doesn't compare to my death glare.

"We don't have to be family. You can do whatever the fuck you wanna do. Don't drag everyone else in it because your head is so far up your ass your spewing bullshit. My dad makes her happy and that's all that matters. Don't you dare insult my family. We have baggage, yes, everyone does. You have baggage. I have baggage. We all do. My dad wouldn't hurt her. He loves her so much. I've never seen him so in love. He would do anything and everything to keep all of us safe. Even you, even though you have been nothing but an asshole since we got here. You may think you don't need us but that doesn't matter cause we are still wanted. That's all that matters." I snap back getting so annoyed with his attitude.

He just stays silent but as he opens his mouth to speak i hold my hand up.

"Save it. " I growl and storm out. I go back to the dining room. Once i enter everyone looks at me then looks away at their plates or something. I sigh as I sit down. I look around and everyone avoids eye contact.

"I don't think Keith will join us this evening," I say and the corner of my lip perks up as everyone smiles and goes am back tomorrow. The only evidence of what happened being the slight tension in the air and the empty seat.


I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling. I get up and go get dressed in sweats and a sports bra. I put on my tennis shoes and slide on a black hoodie. I  turn on music in my headphones, and put my phone in my sweats pockets and zip it up. 

I walk downstairs to find dad or Jasmine. I find them laying down watching a movie together in the living room.

"I'm gonna go for a run," I inform them and dad just nods not looking at me. 

"Are you sure? It's getting dark out." Jasmine informs looking paranoid. 

"She's fine," Dad says shrugging. Jasmine looks at me unsure but still nods. 

I walk out the door and as soon as I'm on the sidewalk I start running. I have no clue where I'm going, but I know what I'm doing. That's running from my problems, even if it's only for an hour. The flashbacks popping in my head only causes me to go faster, I get into the music and soon enough I'm in a forest. 

I stop by a tree so I can catch my breath. At that moment I regret not bringing a water bottle. 

"Need a drink?" A voice asks behind me. I turn around my hand going to my pocket where my knife always is. 

I see a girl around 9 holding out a water bottle. I look at her with suspicious narrowed eyes, she just looks at me with a soft smile. Showing me her beautiful big brown doe eyes. I reach my hand out and grab it, I slowly open it and smell it. That causes her to giggle, I then start gulping it down. Her giggles flowing out of her mouth smoothly in an adorable way. 

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