I have a knack for sensing chakra signatures in my sleep and it can get troublesome yet it comes in handy. No one can sneak up on me this way.

"That far away, huh?" He said bringing me out of my trance, his hand cupping mine causing it to cup his face just as he sighed. "I love you, you know that, Sataki?"

I smiled brightly. "I love you, too, Kakashi." He kissed my hand that is on his face sighing. My sensory skills are lessened when I'm asleep, though. So, in all actuality, I can sense any chakra signatures inside the village.

For example, I can sense that the third Hokage is using his crystal ball thing to keep an eye on Kakashi, Sasuke and myself.


The third Hokage is at his home watching the conversation between Kakashi and Sataki blowing smoke from his pipe. He didn't have his hat on and he gave a nervous smile.

"I still get impressed when she is able to sense me from so far away" he says to no one in particular. He gives a nervous chuckle a small blush formed on his cheeks.

But she didn't have to link me about it and calling me a perverted stalker for watching her and Kakashi share a sleeping...oh no, I'm a perverted stalker. He gives a rather loud sigh as he stops the jutsu and the crystal becomes white once more. He grabs his hat off a nearby table and leaves the room.

Back with Kakashi...

I heard a cough and looked up to see an unamused Sasuke. "Well, you didn't have to go and ruin the moment, Sasuke." I pouted. He just gave his usual response and stood up.

I looked over and saw Kakashi's headband. I grabbed it handing it to Kakashi. "Time for more training, I guess." He gave me a sleepy smile as he stood up and rubbed the back of his neck.

I decided that I was gonna sleep some more and laid back down in the sleeping bag. I could hear Kakashi sigh loudly.

"She wakes us up, but she wants to go back to sleep, hn, that's so just like her." Kakashi instantly had a kunai on Sasuke's throat.

"Don't, say things like that. You have no idea what it is she has had to go through and what she is currently going through." Sasuke just had this look of pure shock. I decided that I wasn't gonna go to sleep.

"Sasuke, story time." I said sitting up and crossing my legs and Kakashi sheathed his kunai and came sit by me. "When I was really young-"

"How young?" Sasuke asked cutting me off.

"About half your age." I said calmly noting how his eye widened. "There was this man called the archer. He killed my clan. Kidnapped me. Held me captive as he tortured me." I pointed to the scar on my mouth.

"He used his bow to create this scar on my mouth and he beat me with it." I was wearing a black jacket over my shirt that allows me to show my scars if I want to. The shirt has a hole in the back so it frames the carving on my back.

I took the jacket off to show the scars that covered my arms and collar bones. "The fourth Hokage was the one who saved me. But at the time, he was just another shinobi. He adopted me. Well, many years later, Naruto was born. I helped in raising him as a promise to his father. You remember when I went missing?" Sasuke nodded. "The archer took Naruto hostage as a way to get to me." Sasuke stiffened. "He got me." I said turning around. "He carved this into my back." I said as I felt fingers on the scar. I turned my head back to see Sasuke tracing his fingers over the design.

"Why don't you kill him?" He asked. Kakashi was tense but he didn't stop Sasuke from observing.

"Because I know I don't stand a chance. And I have people who support me. Revenge isn't the answer. I believe in justice. I won't abandon my family over something that is out of my hands." I paused as I felt him stop tracing and not long after I felt Kakashi put his hand on my arm tracing the multiple stab wounds.  I looked to him to see he was in a trance. He was the same that night as well.

"Anyway, right now he is watching, so I'm under protective detail." I say pointing to Kakashi with my thumb.

"How do you know he is watching?" Sasuke asked.

"How could I sense Guy in my sleep?" I asked plainly.

He looked at me like I was delusional. Kakashi glared at him and I could tell Sasuke truly doesn't know. I sighed. "I am a master at sensing chakra signatures. For example, I was rudely awoken by one earlier before the both of you woke up. It was from the base of the mountain."

"Who was it?" He asked clearly not believing me.

"Gaara." I said and his eyes widened. I could Kakashi wanting to say a lot of things but he chose to keep his mouth shut. They both kept their mouths shut. I then told Sasuke of why I was one of the jounin under cover for Ibiki during the first part of the exams and after we got everything cleared up, more training.

They trained non stop throughout the day. Heck they ate as they trained, somehow. This went on for a couple of weeks with me pinching in to help train him by sparing with Sasuke.

I also took the time to do some of my own training. I worked on my jutsu and kept in contact with Obito via bonding jutsu. I kept the part about Itachi from Sasuke so that he doesn't lose it. He needs to focus on training and beating Gaara than revenge.

It took a while, but watching Sasuke trying to do the Chidori has started to distract me. Every time he would fail, Kakashi would give a demonstration and every time he gave a demonstration, well... let's just say I couldn't help but watch. Sometimes Kakashi would see me watching and I would blush, and he would chuckle.

If I didn't know any better, I'd say Kakashi was trying to show off...again.

It was the day of the final exam and I could sense the overwhelming chakra signatures coming from the arena. Kakashi and Sasuke were trying to squeeze the last bit of training before we would head to the arena for the final exam.

In other words, we are going to be late. No surprise there. I was getting nervous. Something was eating away at me. But what is it? Something big is about to happen and it didn't involve the sand shinobi. Nor Gaara, it was something else. Something we overlooked. But what?

I decided I was gonna leave early and head to the arena by myself. All the while, the feeling of being watched begins nagging at the corner of my brain. Suddenly, a thought hit me. Where does the archer fall into play in all this madness?

Edited (1898)

Hello my lovelies.

Here's another chapter for y'all.

Questions will be answered. But more questions will arise.

Stay tuned for the next chapter.

Until next time


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