chapter 1

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Mia Ahara

He  held his gun in his hand as he allow my baby to play with it, Lee (her baby) put the gun into his mouth while I try harder.

You must be wondering who's this person I am talking about, well here goes my story

My boyfriend of three years  finally decided to flip out after our baby was born. My boyfriend name is Jacob Lee Carlton , He was so nice when I met him, like an angel sent by god but soon got possess as time pass. We met after I graduate high school we ran away together because my parents wanted me to marry a boy that I didn't even know.

I have dreamt of a day when I will be free from this place taking my baby to a safe place.

After Lee's birth Jacob force me to name him after him so my baby name is Lee Jacob Carlton while my abusive boyfriend name is Jacob Lee Carlton.

"Please leave my baby alone" I cried to Jacob, He look at me with those eyes that I'm now afraid of, then place Lee in his crib.

"Are you trying to  tell what to do bitch?" He ask. I sob silently that's the only thing I can do since my ribs are broken.

"I just want you to stop" I said. He started laughing, he suddenly stop and slap me across the face.

"Why, why are you doing this Jake. Don't you love anymore?" I cry with my head in my arms

"I will always love you Mia" he said rubbing my chin "Can't you see this is how I show my love Mia"

"Now strip I need to calm myself" he said
"I can't Jake, I'm tired" I whimpered

"What was that?" He ask,I look at him in fear and quickly undress myself.
"Get on the bed and open your legs" he command

I did as I was told, he did his thing (rape) for about forty five minutes. The only reason he stop was because he got a call he seemed really angry

"Jacob" I call before he leave the room

"What" he snap

"Can I take a shower,I need to feed Lee" I ask him

"Make sure to shower properly I'm having friends over" Jacob informs. I almost fainted right there and then, how am suppose to live after this.

After I went inside the shower I wash myself I was bloody and dirty. When I finished bathing I make sure to dress nicely. Hearing Lee cries snap me out of my pitiful thoughts, I took him up
"Hello my baby, how are you felling" I cooed
Sitting on the bed. I Breast feed my handsome baby boy until I heard my name being called.

"Mia, Mia get down here" Jacob shouts from downstairs

"I'm coming" I carefully walk down the stairs with Lee in my arms. When I went downstairs into the living room I saw Jacob and six of his friends laughing.

"Yes" I ask, all laughter die down and all eyes were now on me

"Well hot damn" one of the man said, I've never seen him before, he held out his hand I know what he wanted

I shake my head no and took a step back "Give me my child Mia"

"No Jake" I said taking another step backwards, I slid my hand on the table taking a car key in the process. I know that Jacob love his child and for a fact that he won't let any harm comes to him so I held Lee to me.

Don't take this the wrong way I'm not using my baby as a shield

A guy was about to crab me but Jacob held him back "What do you think you're doing?" He ask angrily

"I was just trying to catch the girl boss" He explained looking scared

Wait, boss? Since when is Jake a boss?

"Well that girl is holding my child, And if any harm comes to my child you're dead" threatened Jacob.

I took the opportunity to run out the door, I press the button on the car key and a car beeped, I quickly place Lee in the back seat and put on his seatbelt, after that I went into the drivers seat and started the car "Mia" Jacob shouted but I ignored him and drove off.

After a few minutes I found myself on an unfamiliar route but I continue until the car signal that it ran out of gas "Son-of-a-bitch, not now" I cried hitting the staring. Lee started crying so I took him out of the car and wrap him in a towel and started walking.

I found myself getting weaker after a few miles I was bare footed so you can imagine the state of my feet right now. Soon after I heard noises

"Could there be houses this far out" I ask myself out loud.

Running toward the source of the noise I almost stumble but I manage to keep balance, then I heard car engine behind me which cause me to run even faster. I reach the big gate which was open by the way, I ran as quickly as I can feeling even more weaker than I was before. I walk towards the unfamiliar door and rang the door bell, making sure to hold my baby tight in my arms.
      An elderly woman open the door and look surprise when she saw me

"Please help me" I begged and everything went dark

Hey guys I hope you enjoy this story comment and let me know if I should continue


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