chapter ten

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Hey readers ! Is it any good yet ? Hope so !

Chapter ten

~ saras p.o.v.


They picked me up , and threw me into the trunk of a van . You know , like those creeper vans ? It wasnt black like youd expect . kinda greyish .. Like .. like .. whos van am i thinking about ? I know I ve seen this van before . But its not any of the boys' . hmm .. i sat and continued this thought , until it started raining .

Rain .

My mum loved rain . She said she found it soothing . Any time it would rain , shed go outside and spin around . I used to roll my eyes , and lock myself in my room because of how embarrassed I was . But now / Id do anything to see her do it again . Id even do it with her . I miss her so much . To be honest ? I never EVER told her I loved her . I always said I hated her because all my friends had at least one sibling , and i was an only child .. But after she died , the doctor had sat me down , and told me that she had been coming in regularly because she was trying to get pregnant . And she succeded .. with twins ! She was 2 and a half months pregnant , but her blood tests came back , and she was being diagnosed with cancer . The doctor said she was doing surprisingly well fighting it , featuring her pregnancy, but he said she probably wouldnt have made it through labor . She had cancer , and the doctor told her . so she decided that the last thing she wanted was for her to die knowing that I hated her .. Oh god do I miss her .. I just want to tell her thank you for everything and how much I love and appriciate her .

The following day was they're funeral . I had requested one for my mother , one for my father , and one to be shared between my brothers . Nathan James Macdodal and Mason Edward Macdodal . Even though I never met then officially, they were the best gifts I couldve ever recieved . So .. Thanks mum .


" OUCH !!! " I hit my head off the wall when they made a sudden left turn . Jerks .

" Shut up ! "

Oh My God .

" ZAYN ?! "


~ Zayns p.o.v.

"ZAYN ?! " sh*t ! she recognizes me ! NO NO NO ! Hes gonna kill me if I blow this plan ! I have to explain .. but what can I do ?! If i tell her , she'll run . If i dont tell her , she'll tell the police that it was me .. or I could just do what i wanted to do from the very beginning ? Tell her why I helped , then let her go ?

" Sara .. dont freak okay ? Ill tell you everything .. but you gotta hang tight for a few minutes so i can find a place to get away from them okay ? Im so sorry . "

I found a trail ! but not big enough for the van to fit . DAMN . I need to hurry ! I got out , and ran behind the van and opened the doors pulling her out . 

" Wait here . " she looked at me as if to say ' yeah right ! ' . " please ? " 

she gave in . 

I quickly grabbed a brown tarp. that was in the van , and covered the van , hoping that if i hid it well enough , they wouldn notice . 

Good enough ! 

" Come on ! Hurry . We dont have much time ! " I grabbed her hand , roughly pulling her to her feet , and towards the trail. She looked terrified . But who wouldnt ? I mean , I was forcably dragging her to the dark woods , while she was tied up . Rape scene much ? Id be scared too , but i seriously have no time to explain . Niall's seriously lost it . I need her safe . 

But what do I care ? WHY do I care ?! Liams my best pal ! Shouldnt I be doing this to help him ? Yeah , yeah thats why I should be doing this . But that doesnt feel right . 

God shes beautiful . 

Wait ! What on earth am I thinking ?! Shes Liams ! And Nialls sister ! wait .. Niall .. He's turned into a total jerk . But why ? Its not like its Saras fault that her father slept around . Or that her father chose to be with her , and not Niall , or Josh . Why was it a big deal ? 

The moon light shines beautifully off her long dark brown hair . You can see the light sparkle in her eyes , its quite a lovely scene . Now thats shes untied , and walking beside me , all i can imagine is holding her in my arms and kissing her passionately . STOP STOP STOP ! But why ? I cant help but fight with myself . I feel myself falling for her , but I cant .. This is dangerous ground here . Between Niall, and Josh trying to kill her , and Liam , and Harry loving her , where does that leave me ? I wonder what Louis decision is . 

LOUIS ! I hope he got out alright ! And Liam ! Are they okay ?! 

" Do you love him ? "

" huh ? " 

" Do you love Liam ? " 

" I dont really know . "

" dont give me that . I see the way you look at him . Its pure love , and its obvious that he feels the same . "

" I love him . I know that . But what I dont know , is if I can love him fully for the rest of my life ! When he asked me to marry him , I froze . I - "

" HE PROPOSED ?! " I was angry now . But why ? I know .... I .. Im falling desperately in love with her , and Im going to lose her before I even get a chance .

" I love you " I whisper as softly as possible . 

She stopped walking , and touched my cheek , ever so softly . I couldnt control myself . I lunged for her , kissing her with a firey , hungry passion that i didnt even know I was capable of .  CRAP ! shes engaged ! TO MY BEST FRIOEND ! this is wrong ! WRONG WRONG WRONG !

" Sara... Your engaged to my best friend . This cant happen . " I looked away from her , and started to cry .

" i said no . "

"W-what ? " 

Then she kissed me . Very softly . But i was so grateful . 

" But your right . Your gorgeous , funny , and nice , but I think .. I think Im in love with someone else . " 

She looked away , with a face full of dread . 

"w-who ? " 

 It seemed like years until she finally spoke . 

" I .. I think ... " she looked to the ground , and tear  after tear , they hit the ground forming a small puddle . " I think I love Niall !!!!!! " 

My knees felt weak . I started to cry . I lost . I lost to a freaking lunatic ! And she has no idea . Should I tell her ? No I dont have the heart .. But I cant let her be around him ! She'll get killed ! Just run , take her and run . Hide , and make a plan from there . I need to think this through .. Many times .

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