chapter four

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Chapter four !

~saras p.o.v.

woah .. Did he justt kiss me ?! OMG ! Its been so long since ive even talked to another person , let alone kiss one .. im lying .. ive never kissed anyone .. how sad is it that im 19 and still have never kissed anyone ?! i could get used to this feeling .. I NEVER WANT IT TO END !

~narrators p.o.v,

Liam pulled back .. " i have an idea . "

" oh yeah ? "

" yeah .. but ts a surprise . come with me !!! " he said excitedly .

" umm .okay .."

( three hours later )

" okay really ? are we THERE YET ?! your not taking me someone deserted to rape me are you ? " sara says with obvious sarcasm in her voice ..

" we're almost there ! and i wish . " he winked at her , causing her to blush . "we're here ! its not as good as your ,, but heres my house . " he gets out , and walks around and opens her door . he grabs he hand and walks her towards the front door . he stops and faces me . " i must warn you . the boys can be kinda -"

"LIAMMMM ! " they all scream , an dcling to him . "OHH ! and pretty girl ! " they go to cling to sara , but liam blocks them .

"Dibs ? " harry asked disapppointed .

" no . "


" i said no , because its rude to call dibs on a girl ! "

Harry stuck his tongue out at Liam .

~ saras p.o.v.

 we walked down a long hall way And i saw family pictures of all the boys and their families . All the boys except Liam had long gone to bed . I couldnt help it , i started to cry . i missed my parents . so much . if i hadnt been so stupid ..

" hey , are you okay ? " he asked worridly

" yeah . " i lied .

" wanna talk about it t? "

" soon , but not now . " he nodded , and kissed my cheek .

" come on . lets go to bed . its 2:30 "

he led me to a room upstairs on the left , and it was dark so i couldnt tell which one it was .

he pointed towards the bed .

 " oh , Liam ! im not ready , im sorry but-"

 " no !!! theres two beds ! "

"oh .. okay .. "i  climbed into the one that looked like it hadnt beeing slept in , in months .

about 20 minutes later , Liam was snoring , and i was just about to close my eyes , when ; *BOOM*


 i jumped out of bed and ran to Liam . i lightly shook him . he didnt even strir .


i shook him violently ..

 He  jumped , obviously shocked . " WHAT ?! "

" im .. scared .. " i was crying ..

" he smiled , and pulled back the blanket , gesturing for me to climb in .  which i did .

And for once , i wasnt so afraid of thunderstorms .

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