chapter seven

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I think i know how to start this chapter !! It was a hard choice .. but we'll try this one ! comment ideas ! ill use them at any point in the story , or at least try to !

Chapter Seven

~ Zayns p.o.v.

" Okay , talk now . Before i change my mind . "

Niall looks mad .. Very mad ..

" You think i WANT to do this ?! You think I want to betray Josh like this ?! "

" What does Josh have do with anything ? "

" uhh - Nothing ! Why would you think such a thing ?! "

Hes lying .. Big time .. somethings up , and I'm going to find out what .

" Niall ? Talk to me . Tell me the truth . Come on man , im betraying my other friends just to help you , and im not afraid of walking out that door , and going home and confessing EVERYTHING . So spill . "

" Zayn , You cant be serious - "

" Dead serious ."

Niall started to mumble things ot himself .. I couldnt make out what he was saying , but I heard him say Josh multpile times ..

" Okay , ill tell .. but its complicated . So this conversation doesnt leave here . got it ? no one can know . "

" No promises , but continue . "

He glares at me , but continues anyway . " Years back , before we were One Direction , Josh and I became very close because our mums were best friends .. we told each other everything . One night , I was over his house , and he had fallen asleep . It was only 10 oclock , so i decided to go downstairs to watch a bit of t.v , but what I heard , shocked me . Josh's mum , and a dad were argueing . That isnt what bothered me , but what they were argueing about DID bother me .His mum was crying .. His father was apoligizing . His father cheated on his mum . She knew , and told him to stop or shed leave him and take Josh with her ... But then his father announced that he was divorcing her , because the woman he was seeing was , well ... poor . His mum begged him to stay with her , for the sake of Josh , but he told her that he had another child .. She began to hit him , and call him foul names .. I ran to get Josh , And together , we sat and listened .. He said that he had two other children .. a boy and a girl . The girls name was , Sara , and the boys name was ... Niall .. "

He stopped , and looked away .. He turned to look at me , and I could see he had started to cry . "Go on Niall . Im here . Its alright . "

" Well , Josh got up from our hiding spot , walked over , and punched his father in the face . That was the last time we saw his father .. err .. our father . our father was with my mum While Joshs mum was pregnant .. Our mothers were friends , but lived two hours away from each other , so they never suspected .. He didnt go with saras mum until my mum was 4 months pregnant . how f*cked up is that ?! Well .. Sara was a premie baby , so we were actually a day apart . She was in the ICU for almost 5 months . She almost didnt make it . I had never met my so called ' sister ' until Liam brought her home .. I hated her as soon as i relized who she was .. I know its not her fault , but i cant stand that she took our father away from me and josh .. until we started One Direction , and we met our band ,our mothers wouldnt let me see Josh . And we talked last night .. before i talked to you .. and we decided that something needs to be done . So we're going to get Sara to bring us to her home , and then .. We're going to kill our father . "

Then he got up and left , leaving me stunned .. Was Niall actually capable of murder ? should i still be going along with this ? I need to talk to someone , but who could i trust with this ? Not Niall .. Definitly not Liam , Sara , or Josh . Louis ? Harry ? no .. they cant keep secrets .. what am i going to do ?!




~ Harrys p.o.v.

Its been two days . Im not sure how i feel .. Someone finally knows our secret .. So it feels good to have it off my chest , but i also feel horrible , because I ruined my one of my best mates , and the love of my lifes relationship .. They said they loved each other , and i cant help but feel jealous . I still loved her .. And i do now . We've gone through alot , but my feelings never changed . When Liam walked through the door with Sara yesterday , I couldnt believe it . Ive never seen Liam that happy . With Danielle , he was happy , but it seemed like he was forcing himself to be happy . I mean , sure I was happy for him , i just wish it wasnt her .. I tried flirting with her , in a weak attempt to get her back , Id do anything to get her back into my arms .. And thats just what i did . I dont regret it , but i do wish it happened differently . I need to find her and make this right . I cant stand to see Liam this way .

I decided to take Liams car , since it had the GPS , even thought i dont need it .. Her house has never left my mind . After what felt like the longest drive of my life , I finally made it there .I got out of the car , and walked through her front door , Harry Styles does not knock on doors . I wondered through the house , smiling at some of our memories .

"What the hell are you doing here Harry ? "

i turn around to see her .. Beautiful as ever , looking at me like i had two heads , the thought made me chuckle .

" We need to talk . " we headed for the couch .

" okay . " I could tell shed been crying . Dang , there sure has been alot of crying recently .

" Liams a wreck .. I was wrong for doing what i did to you , and this will the only time i say his , so listen up ; I , Harry Edward Styles, am truley sorry for .. raping ? raping you , and i please ask that you come back with me , and we'll talk to Liam and sort this out ."

I could tell she was shocked .. As was i . I couldnt believe i did that .

" okay . But give me a week , and ill meet you there . "

I think my eyes buldged out of my head .. It actually worked !

We drove home in Liams car . When we got home , we went inside. Sara sat on the couch , and i went to go get Liam . Hopefully i could fix this , and climb out of the hole ive been digging for years .

~~~~ end of chapter seven ! ~~~~~

Any good ? leave me a comment !! and please pass my story on ! Im trying to update frequently ...

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