“Correct me if I’m wrong, but based on the almost-identical stores and sweaty crowds of people I’m guessing we’re at the mall?” the now-visible Jinn asked me, lifting an eyebrow in confusion.

I had to stop myself from smiling; a confused-looking Jinn was pretty cute. “If we want Project-Faking-Normal to be a success, we need to get you new clothes for sure.” I looked down at his clothes distastefully. “Although I am not one to judge one’s desire to look homeless, I would like it if this went as smoothly as possible.”    

“That was so funny that I forgot to laugh,” he said, rolling his eyes at me.

“That comeback was so 5 years ago- Oh wait, so are you!” I laughed at my own joke, mentally hi- fiving myself. Not bad Lexi, not bad.

“It wasn’t even that good,” Jinn muttered, not willing to admit defeat. “Let’s get going, we haven’t got all day.”

“Technically, we do.” I grinned, still quite proud of myself for skipping the rest of the school day.

“You get what I mean,” he said exasperatedly, “I’ve known you for less than 24 hours and you’re already getting on my nerves.”

“Thanks, it’s a talent,” I smiled, pulling him along to the closest store, “What do you think is more your style: Gothic Emo or Preppy Nerd?”   

*     *     *

Now, I wouldn’t call myself a Fashionista- On the contrary, I dressed pretty lazy on a daily basis. Sure, I could dress up once in a while, I shopped at all the right stores, and I definitely knew that you do not wear denim on denim.

Apparently Jinn did not.

I wasn’t sure whether I should laugh or cry. Jinn had stepped out of the changing stall wearing a denim jacket… paired with a denim bottom. Keep in mind that this was 2014 and he was no Justin Timberlake. When I had handed him an armful of clothes, I had picked out these pieces for their individual appeal, but little did I know that a disaster like this could happen.

“So, what do you think? I quite like how it defines my form,” Jinn said, adjusting the collar of the jacket around his neck.

“Um… it’s a unique pairing.” I stated simply, not able to look him in the eye. “But I think that the gray T-shirt on its own would look better with those jeans.”

“Hmm… I’ll think about it.” Jinn said, walking back into the change room.  

Tired, I glanced at the clock on the wall. We had been at the mall for three hours now and still no luck. Men’s clothing was far more limited than women’s clothing, I had learned. My stomach was growling and there seemed to be no hope for Jinn.

“Hurry up, I’m starving!” I whined, knocking on Jinn’s door. Nearby, a young mother glared at me as her infant woke up and started crying. “Sorry!” I whispered-yelled, as she got up and walked away angrily. I glanced at the previously-occupied seat, my eyes landing on a couple of fashion magazines. Perfect, I thought, just what I needed.

Quickly checking my surroundings for any onlookers, I stuffed the magazines into my school bag. I was not the kind of person to steal, but then again a few cheap magazines wouldn’t make a big difference. After all, they did put them out here for customer use. I jumped as the stall door opened, revealing a struggling Jinn.

“I could use some help here please,” he grunted, trying to balance all the clothing he was carrying. Just as I was going to help him, I heard someone call me.  

“Excuse me miss!” a sales assistant called, quickly walking up behind me.

I froze, had he seen me taking the magazines? Crap, I messed up. Why did I think that stealing would be okay? Now I was going to have no future and it was all because of-

“Excuse me miss, but I think you left something behind,” the young man said, reaching me and holding out his hand. Gaping at him, I stuck out my hand. He dropped my phone into my palm, smiling. “Have a nice day!”

“Thank you,” I replied, relieved that I hadn’t been caught.

“What was that all about?” Jinn asked as he piled everything onto the check-out counter.

Smiling mischievously, I stood on my tiptoes and whispered what had happened into his ear.

“That’s it?” He chuckled, “And here I was thinking you committed something serious. You looked like you were being caught for murder!”

“Shut up,” I said, embarrassed that he was laughing at my expense, “it required a certain level of skill to get them okay?” I paid for the clothes and left the store, leaving Jinn to handle all the bags. Serves him right for laughing at me, I was feeling pretty rebellious.

We walked into the food court, which was refreshingly empty at this time of day. Spotting my favourite fast food place, I walked up to the cashier, Jinn following closely behind me.

“Two combo 7s please,” I said, reaching into my purse for my credit card, “and could you upgrade the fries to the supreme fries?”

The cashier nodded in acknowledgement, and I turned to Jinn’s dumbfounded expression.

“Do you usually eat this much junk food or are you just trying to impress me?” Jinn deadpanned.

“Shut up,” I said, feeling flushed. Good job Lexi, A++ for the comeback, I mentally slapped myself. I didn’t let Jinn’s remark get to me as I picked up our trays of food. He was just being an @ss as per usual. “Hey, if you really don’t want to eat all this food I could help you,” I smirked, taking his fries and adding it to my tray. No point in trying to hide my eating habits from him, I had a feeling he was going to be around for a long time. Plus I’m sure a boy will fall for my thick thighs and overfed stomach one day.   

“I’m not even going to protest, I have a feeling that I’d lose,” he replied, picking up his burger and scrutinizing it, “and this much fatty food after 5 years of slumber isn’t exactly appealing.”

“Too bad for you, this is some pretty good stuff,” I muttered, practically inhaling my food. I let out a contented sigh. “By the way, I got you those magazines for some wardrobe inspiration, treat them like the bible for the next few weeks, you need it.”

“But I’m not even Christian…”

“Details, details.”

*     *     *

Hey guys, I’m sorry I haven’t updated in forever but I thought I could change that c: I had the biggest writer’s block and all my schoolwork didn’t help :/ But if you did like this chapter, please please please vote/comment/share! :D I'm aiming for at least 4 votes before my next update, but of course I'll still update if I don't get that many (though I'd really love it if I got there!). I'll most likely be ready with a new chapter by this following Friday, September 5th.

School's starting next week and I am not emotionally prepared for it D; Oh and songs I add on the sidebar are completely random, nothing to do with the story. Today it shall be MKTO's 'Classic,' because I have heard it on repeat at least 40 times today alone (no joke). I am in love with Tony Oller, and he's especially adorable in this music video. Any music suggestions from you guys?


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