Chapter Seven

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*My lame excuses for not updating for so long will be added to the end of this chapter*

Chapter Seven

My mom turned around, looking at me for a moment as though questioning if I really could handle the truth. I clenched my jaw and looked her straight in the eye, not willing to back down. Lexi Patton did not cower away at the first sign of trouble.

She sighed, as though wishing I had said no. Starting up the car again and turning into the lane, she started recounting her side of the story. "You know how your father and I were high school sweethearts?"

"Yeah, you guys were in the same chemistry class or something right?"

"Well yeah... but I never really got to tell you the whole truth about that. Yes, we were in the same chemistry class, but that's not how your father and I first started... associating with each other. You see, I was a loner. I had one or two friends I hung out with, but other than that I stuck to my books and stayed away from as much attention as possible. Much like you actually."

I snorted, ready to argue. Me? A loner? Pfft. However, she made eye contact with me in the rear view mirror, giving me an unsmiling look that said shut up. And as I any other sane child would do, I listened to her. I'd defend my pride another time.

The lights from passing cars were reflected on her small diamond studs, causing little spots of colour to jump around the car. They were dad's 10th anniversary present to her, and the amount of planning he put into making her night perfect was quite romantic really. I remember growing up and hoping I would have a relationship just like theirs... But then again, almost every child does. And then they realize that their parents aren't any more perfect than they are. I guess with dad's passing I never really had the chance to fully come to terms with that.

My mom continued, "Your father was a bit different. He was smart, and kind, and funny, and girls were lined up to date him. He was already taken by a girl named Sara Collins though, and being the gentlemen everyone knew him as he stayed loyal to her. Sara was pretty, and popular, and I might have been envious of her had I actually liked your father at the time."

Wait what? I was so confused. Where did my mom fit into all of this?

"Your father was a nice man to me, Lexi. He never did me wrong but I felt a weird vibe about him, you know? Anyways... One day my best friend- you know aunt Francesca- dragged me to this party. It was the summer before senior year and anyone worth knowing was there. She had this huge crush on this boy, Tommy Fleggin was his name, and he was hosting it. Of course, I immediately hated it once I got there. So I thought I could escape the chaos and hide out in one of the bedrooms until your aunt was ready to leave."

I chuckled to myself. It seems like the awkward gene was passed down to me.

"I wasn't a prude either though. I brought up a few bottles of alcohol to the room- no, I do not encourage underage drinking anymore, don't give me that look- and soon I was piss drunk. Low and behold, a few minutes later your father enters the room, thinking it was the bathroom. He took pity on my lonely self and decided to join me. A few beers later, we were off our rockers. But then he got very serious, out of nowhere."

"Mom, hurry up! I don't need a novel, just get to your point!"

"Hush Lexi, this is all very important stuff I need to tell you. Back to the story. He was suddenly very serious, talking about his own problems. How his parents had high expectations of him, and how everyone expected him to be perfect. How everyone thought Sara and him were the perfect couple. He told me how he didn't actually like her very much, for a long time now. Well one thing led to another and-"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2015 ⏰

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