You were putting on your pajamas when there was a knock at the door.

"One second!" You called out and pulled the shirt over your head.

You opened the door. It was Tony.

"Can I...can I come in?"

You nodded. You walked over to your bed and took a seat; Tony mimicked your actions.

"Your mom told me what happened," he said.

You nodded. "She told me she was going to."

"Good job on noticing your drink was spiked," he said, smiling."


", came here to one: make sure you're alright, and two: apologize for earlier. I shouldn't have lashed out, I was just...worried. You're the only kid, I've got, y/n. I've lost so many people in my life, I'm not going to lose you too."

You were tearing up again. "I'm alright, dad, just everything that's happened...the torture from Hydra, then Killian, and now feels like it happened again, all over again."

He gave you a sympathetic look. He was doing his best to make you feel better; he wasn't really good at this type of stuff.

"And I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left without telling Peter or you, or answering the calls. I was just upset."

"I know. And it's alright, just don't do it again, please."

You nodded.

"If you need anything, y/n, Pepper and I are there for you. We love you. You're the best thing that's happened to us, y/n."

You smiled and took a deep breath. You got up and wrapped your arms around your dad.

He hugged back and you flinched as his arms pressed your bruises.

"Did I hurt you?" He asked immediately, pulling back.

"No, you hit some bruises, I'm fine."

"Alright, well....Sleep well, honey," he said as he got up. "We're going to the police station tomorrow to tell them what happened."

"I don't wanna go." You mumbled.


"I don't want to go. They're going to make rumors up about me, about how I did something bad to Tyler, they'll twist the whole story—"

"Y/n, what he did was assault."

You put your face in your hands. "I know! I know what he did! But I'm so tired of the stupid rumors, dad! Peter and Ned are paying for it, they've been made fun of for being around me!"

He gave a sympathetic look. "I know it sounds bad now, but it's just high school. What he did? That's the real world. People like him don't change, y/n, they don't. What if he tries it again on you? On someone else?"

"I'll go."

"We'll be with you, Pepper and I."


He gave you a reassuring look and left.

You really didn't feel like sleeping. It was late, but you felt uneasy.

You picked up your phone and called Peter.

"Come on, come on, pick up," you said after a few rings.

He didn't answer and you put your phone down.

You got under the covers of your bed, feeling the warmth of them surround you. You knew you couldn't fall asleep but you could lay there, protected from the cold, from people, from the world.

A few minutes had passed when you felt your phone buzzing next to you.

Peter was calling you. Hands shaking, you picked up.

"Y/n? What happened? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Pete," you said with a shaky voice.

"I'm coming over."

"What? What about my dad, and Aunt May?"

"Ned can cover for me, and I won't stay long...I'll sneak through the window."

You thought about it for a moment. "You better not get caught."

He laughed. "My fear of Mr. Stark's wrath will keep me in line."

"Y/n, needs me, Ned," said Peter as he put on his suit. "Keep the door locked and if May gets suspicious, I'll come home. Cover best you can."

"I gotchu bro." He turned, made a celebratory gesture, and whispered, "yes!"

Peter hopped out the window and began swinging towards your house.

Your phone started buzzing again. You thought it was Peter, cancelling the plans, but it was Tyler.

You thought for a few seconds. Why was he calling? What did he want?

You hesitated, then picked up.

"Y/n?" He said. The way he said it made your stomach twist.

"Hi, Tyler."

"Hey. Did you call the cops?"

You froze. He can't hurt you, y/n, you can fight him, he can't hurt you...

"No...why? Did cops show up?"

"Yeah, busted the party. I got out the back."

Of course he did.

"Hey, Tyler, I have to go," you said.

"I'm not done."

"But I have to go, Ty—"

"Don't hang up on me."

Your hands shook, but you pulled the phone away from your ear and ended the call. You blocked his number immediately.

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