Episode Eight (S1)

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Tenmy's throat is cut open by Benjamin's knife. She held her throat, trying to keep the blood in, but the wound is too deep. Tenmy collapsed to the floor, bleeding out.

[B]Benjamin: "Why did you even bother to come here, Tenmy? I am a bullet". He approached her and crouched. "You're just another dead lady in this world".

Tenmy's body faded into dust, which is something that's not supposed to happen. Benjamin hears short but fast footsteps from behind, by the moment he turned around, sparks broke out of his knife, from the great clash between a big pair of scissors and a basic kitchen knife.

Yes, Tenmy was alive! Despite having her throat slit right open, she was somehow unscathed and ready for a fight.

B[Benjamin]: "You... are you an illusionist?" He pushed her knife away, making her jump back.

TENMY: "Yes, I am an illusionist. And what are you? Curse? Strength? An idiot? In any case, I'll still beat your filthy ass"

Benjamin smiled, but that look on his face vanished when she went invisible for a second and two more of her appeared.
"This will be troublesome". He thought.

TENMY(x3): "Which one is the real me? Who knows?"
They all sprinted to Benjamin, readying their scissors to strike.

Benjamin leaped back, casting a black spell circle. A huge, pitch black coffin rose from the circle and opened up, large purple hands blew out of the coffin, wrapping around the clones.

They were pulled to the inside of the coffin, however they weren't shut in. Benjamin's back was violently cut by Tenmy's scissors, ruining his robe and letting some blood out. He quickly turned around and kicked her away.

The coffin glowed a neon purple and perished to bits, giving the clones a chance to strike Benjamin. Who should he attack? He decided to attack her clones. They threw their scissors at him, making him duck. But when he stabbed one of them, his knife went right through them.

He sensed her next attack, quickly rolling away. Tenmy stabbed her scissors in the ground, getting it stuck. She struggled to pull it out of the concrete, giving Benjamin time to attack.

His hands gleamed purple, he pointed at the ground beneath Tenmy, four brick walls rose around her, forming into a small pyramid. She stared at her close environment and continued to pull her scissors out the ground. All of the bricks fell down on her, hurting  her entire body.

"That should take care of her". Benjamin thought, 'cause who the hell would survive hundreds of bricks falling down on them? But some of the bricks jumped high in the air, meaning Tenmy was still alive.

Four clones materialized in front of him, though they had some bruises and blood all around their bodies.
The four of them ran at him, like before. However Benjamin wouldn't fall for the same attack again, so he tried to locate the real one.

But his handling fingers were cut off his hand! Tenmy thought wisely of Benjamin's prediction and directly attacked him. He groaned in pain, punching Tenmy's throat, making her stumble back.

He reached for the knife, but was knocked down by her foot, he rolled away before Tenmy struck her scissors at the ground, cracking it open this time. He swept her legs, making her fall on her back.

He instinctively casted a spell circle above her, and without giving her time to react, knives rained down on her, stabbing her arms and her shoulders, she luckily didn't get a knife stuck in her head.

She pulled the knives out of her, looking very distressed. "I'm tired of this shit". She said. Her scissors shined a scarlet red color, she striked at his direction, and a projectile flew at him. This caught Benjamin by surprise, making him dodge very late, cutting off his entire arm. He held his screams to himself and held the injury.

TENMY: "What's wrong? The dead lady is giving you trouble?" She scoffed.

[B]Benjamin: "You were holding something back? Well surprise, surprise... I was holding something back as well".

His entire body glowed with a purple aura, and right after that, his head twisted unnaturally, going upside down, then he got on all four, like a dog, his body grew, ripping his clothes off. Purple spikes spewed out of his shoulder, making a spike armor starting from the shoulders to all the way down to his back. And finally, he grew a reptilian tail.

Tenmy grinned. "I've never seen anything so edgy in my entire life". She stated, and held her scissors with both of her hands.

Benjamin jumped high and pounded right at her. Tenmy leaped forward, swiftly turning at him and striking his head. He tilted his head upwards, making her miss the attack, he opened up his mouth and a tongue wrapped around her breasts, she shoved the tongue down, but still got pulled to Benjamin. She cut his tongue off before being bitten.

He shot a couple of spikes at her, only one hit her, right in the thigh. She then went invisible and summoned 3 clones, however 2 of them seemed delayed. Benjamin noticed that the first clone had dripping blood... that was her.

He didn't hesitate and dived right into her, tackling her, and pinning her on the ground. The clones faded into dust. He gave her an inhuman grin. "Oh lady Tenmy, I certainly had fun, and I hope I meet more people like you, to entertain me".

Blood splattered on the ground.

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