Episode Three (S1)

17 1 10

(Starset - It Has Begun plays)

(Starset - It Has Begun stops playing)

BARASHIN AI: "welcome subjects, please select your gender and name".

RUISU: "Gender!? I've been a trap online since I was 13 but is this just like Sword Art Online where your appareance is female but your real body is male?".

Ansoni selects Male. "Well, you should be male so we can recognize ourselves if we end up in different places... and besides this isn't online so that would be gay". The AI makes a floating keyboard (not holographic) appear in front of Ansoni, it says "write nickname"

Ruisu also selects Male. "Ah, your nickname... your nickname should be Mega, we've had many moments with that nickname, Ansoni". Ruisu writes his own nickname "Kraken".
Ansoni writes Mega as his nickname.
The keyboards fade away as the AI starts questioning Ansoni about what world should be generated.

ANSONI: "World generation?".

BARASHIN AI: "Realistic world, fantasy world, unrealistic world, dream world".

RUISU: "Dude... choose fantasy world, or I'll kill you".

ANSONI: "Generate fantasy world".

BARASHIN AI: "Generating fantasy world and AI..." a progress bar shows up in front of them both, loading quickly from 0 to 100%.
"Randomizing powers...".

A single slot with shifting icons fades into the complete progress bar.

BARASHIN AI: "User Mega, your power is fire". A fire icon flashes on Ansoni's head.

ANSONI: "Fire? That's so lucky, I love fire!".

BARASHIN AI: "User Kraken... your power is Kraken".

A Kraken icon flashes on Ruisu's head
RUISU(w/poker face): wait... my power is Kraken after I named myself Kraken? That's just coincidence".

ANSONI: "Well I hope you don't get advantage when you're in water, I want a rival already!".

Ruisu sighs. "You never get enough of me do you?".

BARASHIN AI: "Awaiting info for subject 3".

ANSONI: "Subject 3? But only the both of us came here...".

RUISU: "MAYBE we didn't...". He smirks.

ANSONI: "What do you mean?". He glances over Ruisu.

BARASHIN AI: "Info complete. Entering generated world".

RUISU: "Maybe we aren't alone".
They both fall into the blank void of the M. Barashin, it feels like it's a botomless pit until they see that the whiteness is fading into real colors, transforming into a real world landscape.
They fall onto the grass, they luckily land without faceplanting the ground on their feet.

They fall onto the grass, they luckily land without faceplanting the ground on their feet

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