Damn You, Link

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The final bell of the day rang and we all poured out of the classrooms. I walk to my locker sporting a slim fit pair of blue skinny jeans and a violet V-neck that I feel shows off my average amount of cleavage in a decent manner. Just as I was about to make my way to the exit one of my closest friends, Malon, comes running in my direction.

"Hey Zel!" She squealed.

"Hey Mal, what's up?"

Malon smiled and adjusted her backpack, "we should hangout y'know? It's almost summer so we have less school crap to do."

"I definitely agree, let's grab some burgers at Telmas?" I say said with a grin. I was actually happy to be able to hangout with her.

"That sounds gr-.." Malon trailed off as she looked down the hall.

As she stopped talking I turned to look at what had made her react in such a way. I sighed and rolled my eyes as I saw the school sex god, Link, strolling down the hallway. Actually, I find it strange that he has that title because I know for a fact he's a virgin. He winked at some girls causing them to giggle and blush.

Oh and did I mention this dreamboat is my best friend?

"Hey Zellie!" He purred as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "You're looking lovely today."

Cocky, as always.

"Oh hey Link.." I say in a bland tone.

"I'm just uh... Going to head home." Malon said in an excited tone.

"But Malon, we were supposed to hang out!?" I say, completely shocked that she was going to ditch me.

"Rein check deary!" She sang as she briskly walked away.

Malon always saw some sort of lovey dovey relationship between me and Link. I mean, yeah he's hot as hell but way out of my league. I'm not popular whatsoever and he's the guy every girl in this school dreams about. Besides, his cocky attitude makes me want to slap him sometimes.

"Well it looks like you're all mine." He said as he winked at me.

Don't slap him Zel. Don't slap him.

His arm was still around me as we walked out of the school. We walk over to his bike which only intensified his extreme hotness. It was a fast, bright green crotch rocket. I knew this was where we would part ways, or so I thought.

"Ride with me." He stated.

Not even going to ask? How rude. I've never even ridden on one of these things!

"Link I don't think that's-.."

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me just inches from his face. Gods, his eyes are gorgeous and he smelt divine.

"F-fine." I say, just wanting to get away from his face before I explode.

Damn you, Link..

I hop on behind him and place his only helmet over my head. As i tried to find something to hold on to he grabbed my hands and brought them around to his stomach. My face grew hot with embarrassment as I saw all the stares we were getting from jealous girls. My heartbeat quickened tremendously as he sped away. I gripped him tightly, pressing my chest against his back. I hoped he wouldn't feel how fast my heart was beating.

We rode for a while and then we came to a spot where you could pull off the road. I removed myself from the bike and took off the helmet. My hair was a complete mess. I could see it in the reflection on the helmet. Frantically, I try and comb it down and then realize he's watching me with a sexy smirk on his face.

Oh, I'll get that smirk off your face with my lips.

Shh, quiet Zelda. For all you know he could read minds.

He made his way over to me and ran his fingers through my hair repeatedly. I could feel my mouth open slightly in shock as he continued. Once he stopped I blinked a few times and then shut my mouth, feeling stupid.

"All better.." He smiled and then tapped my nose slightly with his index finger.

I blushed madly as he began walking toward a small stone wall that lined the cliff.

"Come over here." He said softly.

I started toward him but then of course I embarrassed myself. Zelda can't go a day without doing that now can she!?

I tripped over myself and he spun around quickly, catching me in his arms. My breathing quickened as our faces were inches apart once more. He placed his hand strongly on my back so I couldn't escape. His intoxicating smell put me in a trance once more.

Damn you, Link.

My face was burning with embarrassment and then he finally spoke.

"Don't worry, I got you Miss. Clumsy." He said as he held back laughter.

"Oh shut up." I bark as I squeezed out of his grip.

We made our way to the wall once more. The sun was just starting to set behind the mountains. I gasped slightly as I looked over the ledge. The sky was painted with splashes of pinks and oranges. From up here I could see the whole town of Hyrule. It looked so small, but so elegant and beautiful at the same time. In the distance I could see the Zoran river flowing through the mountains and around the town.

"Wow.." I breathed as I took in the view.

"It's amazing isn't it?" He placed his arm around my shoulder and grinned. "I come here all the time to think, especially when I'm upset or stressed."

Link? Upset or stressed? I don't believe that. He goes through every day looking so cool and collected. Nothing seemed to ever bother him.

"The topic of my thoughts is almost always you." He said shyly, halting my thoughts.

Wait, what did he just say?

He thinks about me?


Link turned toward me and grabbed my hands hesitantly. He looked as if he was ready to say something but couldn't find the strength to say it. He sighed loudly and took a deep breath and pierced into my eyes with his crystal blue ones.

"Zelda, I know I may seem arrogant. I may seem cocky. I may seem like a big hot shot that wants nothing more than to get girls.."

My palms grew sweaty in his.

I really hope he doesn't notice.

"But Zelda, all I want is you. I know I certainly don't seem like it, but I'm just shitty at showing a girl how I feel." He looked at me with what seemed like a pleading expression.

My heart felt like it was going to burst out of my chest with excitement. Now I just needed to tell him how I feel. I opened my mouth but no words would come. For once in my life I was speechless.

Before I could even think of something to say, his lips were pressed hard against mine. His lips were soft and just completely amazing against mine. He tasted somewhat like coffee and I fell in love with the taste.

Maybe I'll start drinking coffee.

I almost whined as he pulled his lips from mine. His breathing was somewhat heavy as he stared at me. I know he was waiting for me to speak but I was at a loss for words.

Just tell him what you think Zellie.

Okay, here it goes.

"I love you more than anything in this whole freaking world Link, and I always have." My voice was shaky as I spoke my sentence.

He grinned so cutely at me and wrapped his arms around me. His strong arms lifted me as he spun me in a small circle. A light laugh came from him and he kissed my forehead.

"I love you too Zelda, and I always have."

Then he quickly pressed his lips even more forcefully to mine causing me to melt inside all over again.

Damn you, Link.

Damn You, Link        (Zelink Oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now