18 5 0

Where am I?

Misty's eyes fluttered softly. She groaned, head tossing, before trying—and failing—to bring a hand to her brow. Her eyes blinked open once, twice, and her long hair dragged and caught on her pillow as her head moved.

A nurse in yellow scrubs poked into the room, obviously expecting Misty to be sleeping, gasped and scrambled for her pager.

"Dr. Quincy, the coma patient is awake." She frowned and rolled her eyes. "No, not room 134. Misty Hughes? Room 117. Hurry up, she looks pretty confused." The young nurse smiled at her. "Hey, Miss Hughes. I'm Nurse Lea Oliver. You can just call me Lea. Do you need something?"

Misty's stormy grey eyes drooped, brows furrowing. She attempted to ask a question but a squeak came out instead. Her throat throbbed and she tried (and failed) to get rid of the tacky feeling in her mouth. The nurse sighed.

"Right—you just woke up. Do you want some water to help soothe your throat?" Lea's short red curls bounced as she moved toward the attached bathroom. Misty heard the water run and looked around to find a hint of where she is. She focused on a newspaper on the bedstead but was interrupted by the yellow-clad nurse's return with a paper cup of water.

"Here you go, sweetheart. Doctor Quincy should be here soon with all the information you need. Do you want me to stay with you until he comes?" She perched carefully on the bed beside Misty's feet, handing her the cup.

Misty lifted a corner of her mouth in thanks and drank the water like a shot. She coughed and attempted to croak out a question. "W-wh'r 'm I?" Her eyebrows furrowed in curiosity and she reached to plop the cup onto her bedstead.

"You're in Creekling General Hospital, Long-term Care unit." Dr. Quincy entered the room just in time to hear her question. He looked nice enough, with messy brown hair and warm brown eyes. A little average, but still cute.

Misty's eyes attempted to widen. "L'ng-t'rm c're?" She coughed again to clear her throat and avoided Nurse Lea's pitying gaze.

Dr. Quincy looked hesitant to tell her why she's in the LTC unit. "Well...you've been in a coma." He glanced away, figuring out how to say his next words in the nicest possible way. "For about six years."


Hi! thanks for reading this far! In the next chapter, we should meet Tarren and learn more about Misty! :) Creekling updates every friday!

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