Chapter 1

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It was August 13th, the first day of school. I was traveling to school that morning on the bus, which seemed to hit a pothole every two seconds.
As I watched the scenery change slowly out the windows, the number of people riding the bus increased as more and more passengers boarded.
Most of the passengers were wearing school uniforms.
There was an old woman standing in front of me, precariously swaying back and forth as if she could fall down at any moment.
It was then that I realized I had made a mistake by taking the bus that morning.
I was able to secure a good seat, but it came at a cost.
At one point, Rosy the Rascal boarded the bus and sat two seats away from me.
The cloudless sky and sunny weather should have made me want to fall asleep. However, the presence of my maniacal stalker forbade me any tranquility or peace I might've had.
“You're not giving her your seat? You never think of anyone but yourself.”

My eyes were about to close, but they suddenly shot open.
Yay. Another person pointing my own character out to me.
That’s what I thought at first, but apparently, it was someone else being judged.

Sonic the Hedgehog was sitting in a seat somewhere closer to the front. The old woman was standing next to him. Princess Sally was sitting across the aisle from him. A vein bulged from the side of her head.
“Can’t you see this old woman is having some trouble?”
He must've been sitting in a priority seat.
In the quiet bus, Sally's voice got louder and attracted the attention of the other people in the bus.
“Calm down, Sal. It's cool.”
Blue might have been angry or ignorant, but he just smiled and crossed his legs.
“Why should I?”
“It would be responsible for you to give the priority seat to an elder,” Sally told him.
“There’s no legal obligation for me to move. Whether or not I move should be decided by me.”
It’s a manner of speaking that I wouldn’t necessarily expect from a hero.
“What, what kind of attitude is that towards your superiors!?”
“Superior? She's not above me: she is standing parallel.” He gestured towards the old woman.
“That’s not what that means-”
“Sal, it's fine.”
After that, he put headphones on his head and started to listen to loud music. The princess clenched her teeth in annoyance.
His self-important attitude kinda reminded me of my own. Actually, why am I not getting involved? Oh yeah, because Rosy is here and I don't want to set her off.
The princess was apologizing to the old woman.
I was relieved that I wasn’t involved in the situation. I mean, I don’t care for things like giving up my seat to the elderly, too, but I just really want to have a calm first day.
The disturbance ended with Sonic and his big ego winning. At least, everyone thought he had won.
“Um… I believe the princess is right.”
An unexpected hand was extended. The owner of the voice bravely spoke her opinion to Sonic. She wore the same school uniform as mine. It was Rosy.
Sonic stiffened up. Was he afraid of her? That was natural I guessed. I mean, he had seen how terrifying she could be at Castle Acorn just like I had.
“It may not benefit you, but it benefits her. You're all about helping others, aren’t you?”
Sonic just rolled his eyes. Rosy looked upset and I braced for what would follow.

But nothing happened.

“Would someone else like to help this lady out and give her your seat?”

And no one answered.
Had some of the passengers actually been convinced that Sonic was right? I didn't care about being nice to my elders either. The elderly are important contributors and supporters of modern society, but I don’t care about society.

However, if Sonic agrees with me, he’s not much of an anti-me.

“Here, she can have my seat.”

And then I just stood up. The old lady shook my hand and told me how grateful she was. I simply watched her, not at all appreciating her thanks.
Looking around, people were pretending to not have noticed or were confused at my behavior.
Looking the other direction, Rosy had an almost completely opposite expression.
She was smiling.
When I stared at her unintentionally because of her unusual behavior, our eyes met for just a moment. It wasn’t like she didn’t know who I was. What other green hedgehogs wore ripped, black jackets and red shades? Actually, don’t answer that. There’s bound to be recolors of me walking around somewhere.
I hurried to the back of the bus where I could stand without being knocked over. Rosy returned to her seat, and the bus soon arrived at the school, stopping next to a building with a red roof.
As I got off the bus, there was a gate made of metal waiting there for me. All the mobian boys and girls in school uniforms got off the bus and passed through the gate. I attempted to follow them.
“Wait a moment.”
As I tried to take my first courageous step into the next year of my life, I was almost instantly interrupted as someone tried to talk to me.
I was stopped by Sonic.
“You gave up your seat for that woman,”, he stated with a firm look. I expected him to ask why. He just smiled. “So the king has some sympathy for his subjects, huh?”
“Yeah yeah, I just didn’t want to have to put up with your and Sally’s arguing,” I said, waving my hand as if to shoo him away, but he didn’t budge.
“I’m just surprised you would do such a thing. Are you finally tired of running from us? Are you trying to stay out of trouble now or something?”
“Stay out of trouble? Don’t jump to conclusions so suddenly. As I said, you and Sally arguing was disturbing me so I put an end to it.”
“But you weren’t just putting an end to it. You were doing good,” he pointed out.
“Hey, you’re not all good, you know. I’m your opposite, not a bad person.” I realized almost instantly and tried to hide what I had just said. “You’re a jerk, so I’m the opposite.”

“As in… a kind person.”
I wasn’t really in the mood to talk back and forth. Maybe he wasn’t either because as soon as he had said that, he nodded and intentionally sighed before walking through the gate and towards the building. I tried to go a different way but was met with a brick wall. I guess I should try to learn my way around first before I try deliberately avoiding people.

Is a Walled Garden Still Rosy? - A Sonic FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now